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Chicago Indymedia

Announcement :: International Relations

President-Elect Obama: Honor Veterans By Ending the Iraq War

Nationwide - November 10 - Military Families Speak Out, an organization of 4,000 military families opposed to the war in Iraq, and its national chapter Gold Star Families Speak Out, are calling on President-Elect Barack Obama to honor the sacrifices of Veterans and their families by ending the war in Iraq.
Military Families Speak Out issued the following statement on the eve of Veterans Day, 2008:

On the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month of 1918, an armistice ended the slaughter of World War I along the Western Front. A year later, President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed a national holiday to honor the sacrifice of the U.S. troops who fought in that war. Since then, on November 11th, people across the United States and around the world have historically given thanks for peace, and observed moments of silence to remember those who fought and died during times of war.

Tomorrow will be the sixth Veterans Day that finds U.S. troops fighting and dying in Iraq, in a war based on lies. Our troops, our Veterans, our families, and the Iraqi people need to know that it will also be the last.

President-Elect Obama, you had the courage and the vision to oppose this war before it started, and you have pledged to end it. As Commander in Chief you will have the power to do that. But leaving U.S. combat troops in Iraq well into 2010, and leaving tens of thousands of additional troops in Iraq indefinitely, is not ending this war - it is continuing it..

4,193 U.S. troops and over a million Iraqis have already died as a result of this war. Countless others will struggle for the rest of their lives with devastating physical and psychological injuries. Each day that this war continues, new tragedies occur.

The war in Iraq was wrong from the beginning and it is wrong today. There is no justification for continuing to risk the lives of our sons and daughters, sisters and brothers, husbands and wives, and the Iraqi people.

President-Elect Obama, please honor the sacrifices of our troops, our Veterans, and our families by committing to the immediate, orderly, and safe return of all U.S. troops from Iraq and assuring that they receive the care they need when they get home.

-- Military Families Speak Out is an organization of 4,000 military families opposed to the war in Iraq, with loved ones who are serving or have served in the U.S. military since fall, 2002. Gold Star Families Speak Out is our national chapter of families whose loved ones have died as a result of this war. Members of Military Families Speak Out and Gold Star Families Speak Out are available for interview -- including members whose loved ones are now serving in Iraq, members whose loved ones will soon be deployed to Iraq, and members whose loved ones were killed in Iraq.



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