News :: Elections & Legislation
Fight and Stop the World War McCain, Tax Evader Fox
Like the Nazis, McCain and Palin are out to spread and unleash the world war into the Middle East for Big Oil, Super Profit and Super Greed. It’s time to expose the tax evasion of Fox News rabidly supporting the World War McCain. Time for a Fox Cut!
McCain and Palin are Bush’s and Cheney’s proxies to stretch the war in the Middle East for Big Oil and Super Profit including Rockefeller’s Exxon Mobil which racked up a record $16 billion in quarterly profits. First, Iraq, which Greenspan admitted was a war for oil. And then, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran. And so, more oil for Exxon Mobil, Halliburton and other contributors to the Republican war chest.
This is what McCain and Palin mean by their mad call for Victory, Victory and Victory with Honor. This was the same mad slogan that drove Nixon to push for a military victory in Vietnam and drive the American government to bankruptcy. Like the Nazis, McCain and Palin are frothing in the mouth for more world war, even for a hundred years. It was Bush’s formula to pumping up the economy. It is McCain and Palin’s formula now. No wonder the Nazi admirer Arnold Schwarzenegger admires McCain and Palin, since they seem to the new 21st century version of the Nazi world war McCain, I mean, Machine, and the Palin Horse of War.
Free-for-All and High-Greed Big Profit, Big Profit and Big Profit for Capitalism! This was Reagan’s and Bush’s mantra for driving up capitalist Wall Street into melting down and crashing on Main Street. Their and McCain-Palin’s coddling of Wall Street is why the owner of Fox News and Wall Street Journal, the Australian Rupert Murdoch is so fanatically biased for McCain-Palin despite their bullshit slogan, “Fair, Balanced News”
Not only tax cuts for the rich and super-rich! Also, tax evasion and fraud for companies like Fox News! Read this from Wikipedia:
““In 1999, The Economist reported that Newscorp Investments had made £1.4 billion ($2.1 billion) in profits over the previous 11 years but had paid no net corporation tax. It further reported, after an examination of what was available of the accounts, that Newscorp would normally have expected to pay a corporate tax of approximately $350 million. The article explained that the corporation's complex structure, international scope and use of offshore havens allowed News Corporation to avoid taxation.”
Investigate and run after the tax-evasion profits of the fascist Fox News and Murdoch! Time for a Fox Cut! Fight and stop the Nazi World War McCain and the Palin Horse of War! Fight and stop Super Profit and Super Greed! Rage against the McCain and Palin War Horse!