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Larnester Hull, R.I.P.
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Mrs. Sealester Lagrone, Hull's mother.
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Both the deceased and the officer lived on the same block (the Tribune erroneously listed Hull's residence as Bellwood, IL) and had previous run-in's. The family reported that the Cook County Medical Examiner listed the cause of death as "homocide."
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"Make no mistake about it," said Mark Carter, one of the protest leaders.
"The Chicago Police do not like black people. It doesn't matter if they're [the police] white, black or whatever, they're all blue. They're police. This is the USA, and they're still killing black people."
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Mark Carter points to Hull's blood on the pavement.
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"They blew my daddy away 38 years ago, in 1969," said Chairman Fred Hampton, Jr. of the Prisoners Of Conscience Committee, son of the Black Panther Party leader who was murdered in his sleep by Chicago Police. "They say this isn't going on anymore. If we don't organize, we commit suicide. No one's going to save us
but us."
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Holding one of Hull's young children, his older brother Wallace Lagrone yelled at police,
"Will you be in this community now to take care of this child? Are
you going to take care of his kids?"
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Wallace Lagrone, Hull's older brother, with one of Hull's daughters.
Hull's visitation and funeral will be 10 AM to 1 PM, Thursday, November 6th at the Progressive Community Center, 56 E. 48th Street (48th & Wabash), followed by the burial.