Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

Announcement :: Protest Activity

ORGY at the BACH

Organizational meeting (ORGY) that is, at the now foreclosed and set for auction Big Ass Collective House (BACH). Open doors, all welcome.
Saturday, November 1st, 3pm-?
927 E Murray Street (One block south of Michigan between Calumet and Columbia)
Hammond, IN 46320

ddrevolutionaries (at)

1.) Black Friday (Day after Thanksgiving, aka Shop-till-you-Drop) Ruckus in the NWI

Drum circle and dance party, literature distribution & propagandizing & banner drops, and hopefully some unpredictable spontaneity to even things out. Want to know details? come to meeting or message back. We're gonna need bodies and minds, so spread the word.

The central goal: opening up of a new commons and public sphere for the unleashing of repressed desires and suppressed discontents, as well as establishing new networks and hopefully getting some media attention...

2.) Capitalism in Crisis: the need to step things up a [significant] notch

Things are by no means good, and are only bound to get worse. Whether this is only a strenuous structural adjustment or a full-blown systematic crisis (the one to end all crises), the need and opportunity to draw out and intensify the inherent conflict and contradictions of such an irrational and self-destructive political-economic system is in front of us, probably a chance that very few will have ever witnessed and one that we may not see again for some time if it recuperates itself. We need to get people to recognize that everyone (living and productive labor) has a common enemy with the dead weight of capital that grinds us down day by day. Money, capital, the market, need us; we don't need them. They depend on us, but it is we who produce and reproduce the whole of society, and are in fact autonomous of their control in that respect. Unfortunately, just a handful of angst-driven youth can't launch a revolutionary assault with any chance of success; neither can a limited region of people, a particular sector of industry or the economy, etc. When the general level of discontent and fiery passion is built up through active agitation and with the inspiration of concrete victories made through our actions, there is no stopping the upheaval of class warfare other than the elimination of the class itself, which would also spell capitalism's (and the State's) end, for it depends on us daily to furnish it with our power.

3.) Housing Bullshit

We got the letter last week, and the landlord lost the property to the bank, and it is set for auction December 5th at the Lake County gov't building in Crown Point. We're trying to scramble to get info on the legality of everything, what we can and cannot do, what the city can and cannot do, etc. Most house members are set to squat the place come hell or high water, and we are talking with the community in getting some support (moral and material if need be) if things turn ugly. If things turn for the worse, we're gonna need people backing us. <"Need a place to live? Come live and defend the rent, just utilities and!"> Also, we're looking for others in similar situations, so if anybody knew of families or individuals facing eviction from the housing market fiasco, give them our contact info (and us theirs).

4.) Evening Show - Poncho Fiesta '08

5:30pm - 11pm $5 for five bands

Thought Crusade
Wasted Effort
Guinea Kid
Head Shot

Free Vegan Food (donations always welcome)



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