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On Bolante' s Return to the Philippines

“ The essence of justice is strained. It is not a drop of mercy from heaven but how the system explains and implements it”

The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) based in the United States, vehemently condemns the complicity of the United States and the US- Arroyo regime in facilitating the return of former undersecretary Jocelyn “Jocjoc” Bolante who was “ deported” back to the Philippines basically as a free man today, October 28.
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AJLPP Statement
October 27, 2008

AJLPP Statement on the Return of Jocjoc Bolante to the Philippines

Los Angeles— “ The essence of justice is strained. It is not a drop of mercy from heaven but how the system explains and implements it”

The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) based in the United States, vehemently condemns the complicity of the United States and the US- Arroyo regime in facilitating the return of former undersecretary Jocelyn “Jocjoc” Bolante who was “ deported” back to the Philippines basically as a free man today, October 28.

It was pathetic that the United States deported Bolante after refusing his asylum request and like in the case of Imelda Marcos the laws of the United States were used as instrument of making mockery of the laws and does not stand up for its core principles.

The AJLPP is aware that it is now the turn of the US-=Arroyo regime to cover the fertilizer scandal even if the Philippine Senate orders the arrest and the investigation of Bolante on his return to the Philippines.

A Big letdown for the Filipino American community

It is a big let-down for the Filipino-American community of Los Angeles and Chicago who rejoice over the arrest of Bolante and the exposure of corruption in the Philippines but later were disgusted when the US laws were used to as a charade to take Bolante and the US-Arroyo regime off the hook.

It is to the intercession of former Senator Jun Magsaysay that the US Immigration authorities arrested Bolante was indicated on the his blatant violations of immigration laws and then was not given asylum in the United States.

It was the efforts of the Filipino American community in Chicago and Illinois who kept the issue focused on corruption but later the technicalities in the US immigration laws muddled up the issue.

Now, it is the turn of the Filipino people, the Philippines Congress and the people’s movement to go after Oblate and exposed the corruption in high places that burdens the Filipinos and kept the corrupt and the inept US-Arroyo regime going on.

The AJLPP believes that corruption is only systematic and systemic in a semi feudal and semi colonial Philippines. We must work and struggle to eradicate these burdens that exploits and oppress our people.

Arturo P. Garcia
West Coast Coordinator



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