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LOCAL News :: Civil & Human Rights : Peace : Protest Activity

Labor Beat: Air and War Show 08

Welcome to the Air and War Show
August 16, 2008

Watch the Google Video:

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Intrepid protestors against wasted tax dollars, noise and air pollution, miltary recruiting and needless death and destruction by high tech war machines camp at the bottom of North Ave Beach Bridge for the 16th year. Met by Chicago police, "Just doing their jobs" they are fenced into a Free Speech Zone. Interviews with members of 8th Day Center, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Americn Friends Service Committee, and Sunday Art Institute Vigil included.
TRT app25 min.

Produced by Labor Beat, the Chicago-based labor tv series. Labor Beat is a CAN TV Community Partner. Labor Beat is affiliated with IBEW 1220. Views expressed are those of the producer, not necessarily of IBEW. For info: mail (at), 312-226-3330.

To order a dvd of this video
Mail a check for $15 to:
Labor Beat
37 S. Ashland Ave.
Chicago, IL 60607
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Contain those peace loving people! What they have may spread!
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Lieutenant Kelly draws the line in the sand.
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The message cannot be contained.



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