VotePSL Midwest Speaking Tour
"Economic Crisis & Endless War: Causes, Questions & Solutions"
With Presidential Candidate
Gloria La Riva
download leaflet
Saturday, Oct 11, 6 pm
3334 W. Lawrence #202
(Brown Line - Kimball Stop)
Call 773-920-7590 for more info
Click here for directions
Friday, Oct 10, 7 pm
Iowa City, IA
University of Iowa
Becker Communication Studies Building, #203
25 S. Madison St.
Monday, Oct 13, 7 pm
Milwaukee, WI
Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Union 240
2200 E. Kenwood
Saturday, October 18, 1 pm
Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Oak View Branch Library
3700 East 3rd St.
John Beacham, PSL Candidate for Ill. State Assembly, will be the speaker at the South Dakota event
Gloria La Riva
Party for Socialism and Liberation
Presidential Candidate
Born in Albuquerque, N.M., La Riva attended Brandeis University, where she was active in affirmative action struggles. She led a union organizing drive in 1979 in Rochester, N.Y., and is today president of the Typographical Sector, Media Workers Union, Local 39521, CWA.
La Riva has been active in the struggle to free political prisoners, from Nelson Mandela to Leonard Peltier to Mumia Abu-Jamal. La Riva supported the Black Firefighters Association in their fight to desegregate the San Francisco Fire Department in the 1980s.
She was a leader in the movement against the Gulf War in 1990-91, including the 200,000-strong San Francisco march on Jan. 19, 1991. That year, La Riva initiated the Farmworkers Emergency Relief, aiding Latino farmworkers who lost their jobs in the citrus freeze.
La Riva campaigned against the U.S. blockade that killed more than one million Iraqis from 1991-2003. La Riva’s video “Genocide by Sanctions” won second prize for documentaries in the 1998 San Luís Obispo Film Festival. She traveled to Yugoslavia during the 1999 U.S. bombing, producing the video, “NATO Targets.”
In 1994 and 1998, La Riva was the Peace & Freedom Party candidate for governor of California, and an independent candidate for U.S. vice president from 1984 to 2000.La Riva is an organizer for the anti-war coalition ANSWER (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism) in the Bay Area against the war in Iraq & Afghanistan. She has been active in the struggle for immigrant rights for three decades, speaking at mass marches in California.
La Riva is coordinator of the National Committee to Free the Cuban Five, who are political prisoners in the U.S. She has traveled frequently to Cuba, written extensively on the revolution, and spoke at the million-person May Day rallies in Havana in 2000 and 2002. She has also traveled to Venezuela & Bolivia.
In September 2005, immediately after Hurricane Katrina, La Riva led a delegation to New Orleans, showing the survivors’ heroism in the video “Heroes Not Looters.”
La Riva is a member of the National Committee of the Party for Socialism and Liberation.
The PSL presidential ticket of La Riva & Puryear is on the ballot in …
Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Louisiana,New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont, Washington and Wisconsin
PSL Chicago
The PSL hosts regular meetings and Marxism classes in Chicago. We are involved in all the struggles of the day. Join us in study, organizing and fighting for a better world!
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