LOCAL Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights
Colombia and Nicaragua trade union leaders at UE Hall Oct. 10, 7PM
Uniting Americas Working Class and Increasing its Influence. Raising the level of struggle and Unity of the Worker Movements.
Fredy Franco
Secretary General, FEPDES
Federation of Professional Teachers of Higher Education,
When: Friday, October 10, 2008
7:00 PM
United Electrical Workers (UE) Hall
37 S. Ashland
They will discuss their views and experiences with the effects of neoliberal globalization of free trade agreements, from the repercussions on U.S. workers to the destruction of Latin American economies forcing emigration to the United States and alternatives like ALBA being developed in Latin America.
Estos lideres sindicales discutiran sus experiencias sobre los efectos de las politicas de la Globalizacion Neoliberal de los tratados de libre comercio, desde las repercuciones a los trabajadores de los EEUU a la destrucion de las economias de Latino-America forsando a los trabajadores a emigrar y alternativas creadas en Latino-America como el ALBA
for more Contact info Stan Smith 773-376-7521
Sponsor: US Cuba Labor Exchange
Endorsed by Nicaragua Solidarity Network, US LEAP (Labor Education in Americas Project), Mexico Solidarity Network