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68 Reasons To Vote Against McCain

McCain was bombing women in a lightbulb factory
when he was shot down..
Depleted uranium is 81 times greater in Iraq than rest of world
This Iraqi child is one of countless
tens of thousands with burns
68 Reasons To defeat the McCain Campaign of Pain

McCain has 13 cars, 10 homes

1. McCain was bombing women in a light bulb factory when he
was shot down. Those he was bombing saved his life. The
light bulb factory was one of 27 missions in which McCain dropped
fiery bombs of death upon the innocent Vietnamese. His father
coconspired with Lyndon Johnson in the black op of the Tonkin
Gulf in which the Vietnamese were blamed for ships mined by
Navy Seals. His father was in charge of all aerial bombing
of Vietnam from Navy ships. McCain was never strong enough
to separate himself from his father.
2. McCain has voted 92% of the time with the unelected G W Bush. Yet he claims to be the reform! candidate. Mavericks do not vote with their illegitimate leaders.
3. McCain's wars have caused millions of deaths, millions
of serious lifetime injuries, destroyed famlilies, bankrupted the US.
4. McCain's wars have caused the highest gas prices in US
history.. over double the price before the Bush regime seized power, the highest food prices ever, unemployment rates of
8 or 9% in some states.
5. McCain's wars have caused record foreclosures, evictions,
food lines.. more than at any time since the 30's before Social
The US regime McCain has supported 92% of the time is 'bailing out' with 800 BILLION dollars the
very predatory lenders who caused the record number of evictions,
foreclosures, food lines and homelessness in the US
6. While bridges and roads are falling apart, (and homeless
die under the bridges) Republicans are attempting to
reward the centimillionaire bankers and brokers who
have pricegouged others... with the taxes of the poor.
7. McCain wants to escalate the illegal violence in
Iraq and Afghanistan and Pakistan. He would be willing to
expand it to Georgia, Iran and Russia. He would be willing to
start W W 3.
8. McCain is the least likely of the candidates to protect Social
Security for tens of millions of Americans.
9. McCain has appointed a pawn of BP, Chevron, mining interests,
trophy hunters to be his vice presidential running mate. He is
the oldest man to run for president. A woman with no
experience he would put a heartbeat from the presidency.
10. McCain and Bush have more than halved the value of the US
11. McCain is a unionbuster, has outsourced American jobs.
12. McCain's immigration bill was sponsored by unionbusters
who wish to destroy America's middle class, drive up rent prices,
reduce American security.
13. McCain's policies have created megathievery by corporate
CEO's.. hostile takeover artists.. those who buy a company only
to raid its assets, pocket its pension funds.
14. McCain has a volatile temper, is not stable enough to be
15.McCain has many lobbyists on his payroll, including one for the illegitimate government of Georgia.
16. McCain said he did not know how many houses his wife owns.
Ms McCain owns 10 homes, is worth 100 million, We mean no disrespect to
Mrs McCain.
17. McCain operatives are seeking to deny citizens in many states
their right to vote Libertarian. Pennsylvania and Texas are 2 of
18. McCain operatives are trying to end early voting in Ohio,
after the previous AG of Ohio through massive fraud was a factor
in the illegal installation of Bush in the White House.
19. McCain would expand the infinite hazards of nuclear power
and nuclear waste., with nuclear waste being shipped through highly populated states.
20. McCain rated America's worst senator for children
21. McCain is lying about 911 and the neocon involvement in it
as well as about Osama Bin Laden.
22. McCain wants to keep the tax cut for the richest Americans.
(see lsit of billionaires at
23. Scored less than 40% in animal protection issues..
much less in animal rights.
24. McCain received a 0% environment rating from the League Of Cosnervation
25. 600,000 Americans have lost their jobs just since Jan 2008.
26. In 1 day, McCain has flipped on the 85 billion dollar bailout
by the unelected agents of the rich (a bailout placed on the
backs of America's poor)
of criminally conspiratorial AIG, the biggest insurer in the world,
whose director was indicted by AG Spitzer.
27. It is a form of corruption for McCain to fly around in the
private jets of neocons Michael Bloomberg, Rupert Murdoch,
and Paxson, who attempts to militarize Christianity with his
tv programs.
28. McCain said in 1999 that flying the Confederate flag should be
left up to the states.
29. Though many studies correlate violent tv, music, video
to violence in children and teens, McCain wants no regulation.
30. McCain criticized $3M cruel "bear DNA" study, but voted for it. (Nov 2007)
31. McCain voted to repeal a ban on treekilling animal habitat
destroying roads in the national wilderness parks.
32. While the children of the poor have been killed in Iraq
and Afghanistan as they were under orders to start fires
with bombs, the National Guard (overseas) could not put out
fires in many states. In addition, firefighting helicopters were
sent from the states to Iraq.
33. McCain voted to 'privatize' (let corrupt Wall St control)
US Social Security. Wall St. is invested in war, ecocide and
animal agony, and lost 950 points in 2 days in Sept 2008.
34. McCain repudiated the Swift Boat ads with which Harold
Simmons, Texas billionaire worked with neocon Sergei Brin of
Google through lies and fraudulent algorithms to spread disinformation and pop up 20 negative Kerry sites (neocon created)
to every 1 positive. Yet now Harold Simmons is once again
spreading his poison through the airwaves, this time with McCain's
tacit support.
35. No other country allows its right wing minority party to
control the voting machines. Diebold (now Premier), ESS,
Sequoia Pacific, Triad and other 'voting machine' companies
are owned and managed by Republicans. These same companies
are managing the federal data base for national elections.!
God prevent fraud.
36. Another McCain flipflop: After many years of helping
create the present welfare for the rich called 'privatization
and deregulation' McCain with his finger to the wind
is supporting regulation
37. Since the Bush McCain wars began, college has been denied to
all but the most privileged or lucky. Student tuition has
38. McCain is the oldest man ever to run for president. He
has a melanoma, poor hearing in 1 ear.
McCain voted against making a national holiday of M L King's
40. McCain denied the constitutional right of habeas corpus
of POW's to Guantanamo detainees.
41. McCain voted for the unconstitutional Patriot Act
which has allowed for the search of people's homes
and removal of their possessions without a warrant
.. without notifying them.
42. McCain campaign manager Rick Davis paid 2 million by Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae
43. McCain has 13 cars, 10 homes, while millions of Americans
are living under bridges, in tents, in unheated school buses etc.
44. There is hypocrisy in socalled 'free market capitalists' like McCain
pushing poor Americans and the US government ever further
into trillions of dollars of debt (even while counterfeiting), jeopardizing the only
retirement income of tens of millions of Americans.
45. McCain talks one thing, does another. He has often
supported the Goldman Sachs White House and Goldman
Sachs Treasury under Secretaries who were former Goldman
Sachs CEO's (Robert Rubin and Henry Paulson)
46. McCain has promised to protect offshore corporate
tax shelters while on a trip in Bermuda
47. The Republican EPA refuses to act to remove carcinogenic
rocket fuel perchlorate from the water of 395 US cities
48 McCain has publicly urged the Wall Streetification or privatization of Social
49. McCain has prevaricated about his cars, telling Michigan
auto workers he has always bought Americn. Only 1 of his
13 cars is registered in his name.
50. McCain has proposed a spending freeze on programs which
benefit America (health, education, helping the homeless etc)
but not on war profiteer industries.
51. With 26 years in Congress, some as chairman of the
Commerce Committee, McCain has been an architect of
the current meltdown with his constant emphasis on deregulation
(no cops to catch the megarobbers)
52. John McCain said the president he most admirers is
the unionbusting, tripler of Pentagon spending, Ronald Reagan,
the recipient of the White House because of Iran Contra fraud.
53. McCain has many ties to the gambling industry personally and as a member of Congress. More than anyone else, McCain
is responsible for Native American gambling as a 26 billion
dollar 423 casino behemoth.. Yet that fraction of Christians
who support him are not aware of this.
McCain in Derry NH in Jan 2008 said 100 years in Iraq would be
fine with him.
55. McCain would continue most of the 900 military bases
as well as CIA illegal jails around the world. The impoverished
people of the US are being forced to pay for bases in Japan,
in Germany, and many other countries.
56. On Oct 1st, McCain defended the Silverado buying up of bad assets by the govt. to bail out George Bush's son and his fellow conspirators.
57. McCain operatives are trying to intimidate Philadelphia voters saying that if they
have outstanding traffic ticket they will be arrested on election day.
There are more empty homes than at any time since the US
census began recording data. hat an obscenity that there are people homeless while banks
hold onto empty homes.
59. McCain wants to tax people's health care coverage.
60. McCain has voted to give Exxon Mobil another 4 billion dollar tax break this year
(as well as other oil companies.)
61. McCain has voted 20 times against renewable solar, thermal, wind and other
clean energy alternatives.
62. McCain said he would refuse to sit down with the government of Spain.
63. McCain voted against the nuclear test ban treaty.
64. McCain voted not to cover millions of American children with health coverage
65. McCain voted to take a trillion dollar surplus and turn it into a multi trilliion dollar
66. Iraq and Afghanistan face many environmental disasters from depleted uranium to
cyanide. US soldiers are not immune.
67. American soldiers have been victimized by John McCain.
68. Elephants have sued the Republican Party.. to cease and desist from using
them as a symbol. No party has harmed elephants more.



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