LOCAL Announcement :: Globalization
Naomi Klein Speaks on Disaster Capitalism October 1 in Hyde Park
Journalist Naomi Klein will speak on the topic of "Disaster Capitalism: Milton Friedman and the Chicago Boys," 7 p.m. Wednesday, October 1, at 1414 E. 59th St. Open to the public.

Disaster Capitalism: Milton Friedman and the Chicago Boys
7 p.m. Oct 1
International House, Assembly Hall, 1414 East 59th St.
Naomi Klein is an award-winning journalist, syndicated columnist and author of the international and New York Times bestseller The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism. Published worldwide in September 2007, The Shock Doctrine is slated to be translated into seventeen languages to date. The six-minute
companion film, created by Alfonso Cuaron, director of Children of Men, was an Official Selection of the 2007 Venice and Toronto International Film Festivals and a viral phenomenon as well, downloaded over one million times. Klein's previous book No Logo: Taking Aim at the Brand Bullies was also an international bestseller, translated into more than twenty-eight languages, with over a million copies in print. Klein has a regular column at The Nation and The Guardian.
The event is co-sponsored by The Committee for Open Research on Economy and Society (CORES); Platypus; International House Global Voices Lecture Program; Center for Gender Studies; Chicago Center for Contemporary Theory (3CT); and Students for a Democratic Society.
The talk will be followed by a book signing.
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I-House Office of Programs and External Relations (773) 753-2274 or (773) 753-2275.