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Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Media

A film coming to Chicago you don't want to miss - Trouble the Water

Three years after Katrina, few of us have a real understanding of the first-hand experiences of survivors. Starting today, that could change.

Trouble the Water is a remarkable film that tells a gripping story about two survivors of Hurricane Katrina. It opens in Chicago this weekend, and if enough people go to see it, the chances are greater that it will be released in theaters across the country and spark much needed discussion and real change.

Watch the trailer:

Find showtimes at the Century Centre Cinema in Chicago:

This Friday 9/19, Co-Director Tia Lessin will be present for Q&A after the 5 and 7:30 show and will introduce the 10:00 screening. This Saturday, both Directors Carl Deal & Tia Lessin will be present for Q&A after the 5 and 7:30 show and will introduce the 10:00 screening.

And please forward this email on to your friends and family to spread the word!

Our nation was riveted as we watched thousands left to die when Katrina hit the Gulf Coast. As the national conversation turned to race and poverty, volunteerism shot way up. Folks noticed the huge disparities in our country and jumped up to do something.

Three years later, where are we? What happened to the promises to rebuild? Where do Katrina survivors live? Where are the jobs?

Trouble the Water explores these questions through the amazing story of Kim and Scott Roberts, two people from New Orleans who survived the worst of the storm, then began a long struggle to rebuild their lives. The film takes audiences on a journey that is by turns heart stopping, infuriating, inspiring and empowering.

Trouble the Water won the prestigious Grand Jury prize for Best Documentary at the Sundance Film Festival, and was called "one of the best American documentaries in recent memory," by the New York Times.

By going to see it this weekend, you can help it reach a wider audience and make a bigger impact.

Thanks and Peace,

-- James, Gabriel, Clarissa, Andre, Kai, and the rest of the team
September 19th, 2008



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