“As a Milwaukee resident I understand how the Teamster workers greatly contribute to the overall health of Metro Milwaukee. Waste Management’s actions are putting residents’ health and safety at risk. I applaud the Teamster’s courage and solidarity as they continue to fight for a fair contract. They need our support,” said Michael Landers, a youth educator that came to the union hall September 14 in support of the strikers.
MILWAUKEE -- Members of Teamsters Local 200 in Metro Milwaukee are entering their fourth week on strike against Waste Management determined to keep their pension fund and build on hard-won gains.
After bargaining in good faith for months with WM, the sanitation workers struck August 24 over an unfair labor practice Tom Millonzi, Secretary-Treasurer of Local 200 told Milwaukee Indymedia at the union hall September 14. Millonzi said that WM was threatening workers and attempting to coerce and bargain with Local 200 members individually in an effort to supersede the collective bargaining process.
The main strike issues are the company’s intention to gut the worker’s current pension fund with the goal of instituting a 401K-type plan and WM’s manipulation of routes.
The company issued its “last, best and final offer,” September 10 to the Teamsters. Currently a federal mediator is meeting with both sides and together with no progress.
Waste Management is a multi-million dollar Texas-based Fortune 500 corporation well-known for its hostile anti-union activities. In this strike, the company has flown in its “green team” scabs putting them up at a high-priced suburban hotel. And company security goon squads are filming the strikers on the picket line and elsewhere.
Despite this, the worker’s fighting spirit and morale is strong. The workers keep 10 picket lines going daily at major waste and recycling stations throughout Metro Milwaukee. The Teamsters transport the refuse to landfills. It’s a difficult, dangerous and dirty job critical to a communities’ health and safety.
“If we don’t stand up for our pension for the older workers we all won’t have anything when we retire,” Joe, a member of Local 200 told Milwaukee Indymedia as he picked up his food donation at the union hall with dozens of his fellow members September 14.
WM’s actions have caused significant hardship for the strikers and for the cities, villages and municipalities the company operates in. Garbage and recycling is piling up because scab crews are wholly inefficient and pose numerous safety risks. Thus where WM has contracts with various cities such as Germantown, there are moves by residents to sever contracts with the company due to its anti-union activities which pose numerous risks for residents.
“As a Milwaukee resident I understand how the Teamster workers greatly contribute to the overall health of Metro Milwaukee. Waste Management’s actions are putting residents’ health and safety at risk. I applaud the Teamster’s courage and solidarity as they continue to fight for a fair contract. They need our support,” said Michael Landers, a youth educator that came to the union hall September 14 in support of the strikers.
Labor/community support for the striking workers is strong according to the union. The week of Sept. 14 Teamster members from around the country are coming to Milwaukee to help broaden support. Strike support activities have included mass leafleting to major community events in the Metro Milwaukee area and a yard sign campaign where strike supporters place a sign in their yard.
Support correspondence is also rolling in.
Teresa Mambu-Rasch of Milwaukee sent a donation and a letter to Local 200 in early September.
“Please find my donation of $200 enclosed. In December 2006, my grandfather Robert Krantz passed away. He was a life-long Teamster member out of Philadelphia. He and his brothers and sisters worked hard to provide for their families. I grew up listening to stories of the Teamsters on strike and always knew that my family’s success was due to the hard struggles and victories won on the picket line. A few months ago, my family received his Teamsters death benefit. The amount enclosed represents my portion. I wish the members of Local 200 all the best.”
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A Local 200 hardship fund is now in operation.
Donations should be made out to “Teamsters Waste Hauler Fund” and sent to: Teamsters Local 200
6200 Bluemound Road
Milwaukee, WI 53213
For more information
Call: 414-771-6363
Email: info (at) teamsterslocal200.com.
Teamster Local 200 Picketing Locations:
WMI North Facility
W124N8925 Boundary Road
Menomonee Falls, WI 53051
WMI South Facility
10627 South 27th Street
Franklin, WI 53132
Metro RDF
10712 S 124th Street
Franklin, WI 53132
Pheasant Run RDF
19414 60th Street
Bristol, WI 53104
City of Milwaukee Northwest Transfer Station
68th & Industrial (Green Tree Rd) Rd
Milwaukee, WI
City of Milwaukee Lincoln Ave Transfer Station
41st & Lincoln St.
Milwaukee, WI
Milwaukee Crinc (Recycle Center)
13th & Mt Vernon St
Milwaukee, WI
Waste Management Recycle America
Grant St & Donges Bay Rd
Germantown, WI
Waste Management Recycle America
21st & Morgan Ave
Milwaukee, WI
Wauwatosa DPW
116th & Walnut
Wauwatosa, WI
See also: