Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Media

Thursday, 9/11: Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! to speak in Chicago

Award-winning journalist Amy Goodman, host of the daily, grassroots, global, radio/TV news hour Democracy Now!, is on a national speaking tour to mark DN!'s 12th anniversary and launch her third book with journalist David Goodman, Standing Up to the Madness: Ordinary Heroes in Extraordinary Times.
WHEN: 5pm, Thursday Sept. 11th

WHERE: On the west campus of The University of Illinois at Chicago in the Student Center West Building at 828 S. Wolcott in the Chicago Rooms A-B. Parking is available (for a fee) in a small adjacent lot or in a parking structure at 1100 S. Wood.

DESCRIPTION: A lecture by Amy Goodman on the Politics of Race, Gender and Economics in the 2008 US Presidential Race


MORE INFO: UIC Department of Gender & Women's Studies
Phone: 312.996.4542



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