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Palin is Perfect Match 4 John "Drill here & NOW!" McCain

Sarah Palin is certainly not the 'naive and innocent' Alaskan village mayor as many in corporate media claim her to be. She is very much like John "Big Driller" McCain in many ways, savvy with the corporate sponsors and willing to sell workers and the ecosystem down the river to satisfy the interests of big oil and mining corporations.
When John McCain says, "Drill NOW! Drill HERE! DRILL EVERYWHERE! VROOM! VROOM!" it seems that Ms. Sarah Palin is the perfect woman for this job..

"The top 11 things you should know about Sarah Palin:

1) She is presently under investigation in Alaska for abuse of power

2) She strongly supports big oil (her husband works for oil company BP)

3) She stands for everything that Hillary Clinton stood against

4) She is adamantly opposed to reproductive rights for women

5) She has no federal or international experience. Prior to being governor (for less than two years) she was only the mayor of a small town and a beauty queen!

6) She believes global warming is a farce and is opposed to listing the polar bear as an endangered species

7) She believes creationism should be taught in public schools

8) She supports drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and anywhere else big oil wants

9) She supports Pebble Mine which will destroy the richest salmon run in the world

10) She supports aerial shooting of bears and wolves in Alaska

11) She is pro-war

Sarah Palin is being investigated for abuse of power (7/08) after she fired the Dept. of Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan. Palin pressured Monegan to fire her sister's ex husband who is a state trooper. When Commissioner Monegan refused, Palin fired him. Click here and here and here to read the news about Palin's corruption.

Sarah Palin - worse for the environment than even Bush and McCain

(Anchorage Daily News, September 2007)

Sarah Palin supports development of the Pebble Mine - the largest open pit mine in North America. Pebble mine jeapordizes the entire Bristol bay ecosystem which contains the largest sockeye salmon run in the world. The mine would pollute an unprecidented number or rivers, lakes, and bays. Although Palin claims that the mine would create jobs for Alaskans, it will effectively destroy the commercial and sport fishing industry in Bristol Bay - the main source of income for Alaskans in Bristol bay. Pebble Mine's potential for pollution would make the Exxon Valdez oil spill look like a tiny grease stain. Click here to watch the NY Times video story about the environmental destruction this mine would create.

Sarah Palin sues the federal government over listing polar bears as a threatened species. Why? Because it could restrict the oil industry that fills her pockets. This is the same reason she wants to open up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for oil drilling. Read Governor Palin's ignorant op-ed piece here.

Sarah Palin spent $400,000 of state money to "educate" Alaskans about aerial hunting of wolves and bears. State tax money was used to directly influence the outcome of proposition 2 which would have limited aerial shooting of predators. Since Alaskans had previously voted twice to ban aerial shooting of predators, Palin used state tax money to buy support for aerial shooting. Proposition two was voted down on 8/26/08.

Read more about Governor Palin's "predator control" policies and the use of state money to slaughter bears and wolves.

Sarah Palin for Vice-President of the United States?

I'm pretty shocked to hear that John McCain chose Sarah Palin as his running mate. I thought that given the fact that she is being investigated for abuse of power, that she was out of the running. Obviously McCain is trying to court the women's vote.

Sarah Palin is as bad for women's rights as Bush and McCain combined. She is an ultra conservative politician dedicated to destroying the Alaskan ecosystem in the name of oil exploration and outdated wildlife management policy. Palin has no federal or international experience. Prior to being appointed governor, Palin was the mayor of Wasilla, AK - a town of only 5,469! Her main "experience" before entering public office was holding the title of beauty queen in Wasilla!

Don't be fooled by her young age - Palin works side by side with the oil industry. I'm guessing that's why she was really chosen - since the present administration is clearly controlled and driven by oil money. Palin's policy record reflects someone who consistently destroys the environment, jeapordizes the commercial and sport fishing industry in Alaska, and actively cripples the booming bear viewing business in Alaska.

Sarah Palin's wildlife policies reflect junk science and cripple the eco-tourism industry

I think its obvious from the pictures above how Alaska Governor Sarah Palin feels about wildlife conservation. Like many Alaskans, Palin believes that bears – and all Alaskan wildlife, exist for the sole purpose of serving humans. Sarah Palin, and the Alaska Board of Game whose members make decisions about most wildlife, are actively trying to cripple the bear viewing/eco-tourism industry in Alaska. This photograph (left) was published in the Anchorage Daily News amidst great controversy over the hunting of habituated bears around Katmai National Park and the McNeil River Sanctuary. Several weeks before the controversial Katmai Preserve hunt, Palin posed deliberately next to a dead bear to a make a point – that she will do everything in her power to make sure bears and other wildlife are mercilessly shot for pleasure in Alaska. Palin supports the aerial hunting of wolves and bears, and even spent $400,000 of state money to fund a media campaign to try and convince Alaskans to support aerial shooting (even though Alaskans have voted against it, twice!). In the past two years, bears habituated to bear viewing have reportedly been shot at bear viewing sites around the state – as a statement to bear advocates that Alaska is about shooting animals, not understanding them.

The Alaskan government consistently ignores decades of scientific research that has proven that predators actually keep prey populations healthy. The Alaskan government is wiping out entire populations of predators -using cruel practices such as baiting, trapping, and aerial shooting, in the name of boosting dwindling moose populations. This is just plain ignorant, since biologists have known since the 60’s that wolves and bears do not negatively impact prey species such as moose and caribou. Anyone who has taken ecology or biology 101 knows this is established fact. What is threatening moose and other prey species is over hunting by humans, and a large number of yearly road-kill fatalities. The impact of habitat destruction, climate change, and a decrease in predation also contributes.

If you find Sarah Palin as ignorant and offensive as I do, LET HER KNOW. The majority of people who visit Alaska do not support sport hunting and the destruction of wildlife! Most tourists come to Alaska to view wildlife, not to slaughter it. The best hope for Alaskan wildlife is for the tourists who fund the economy to make their wishes known loud and clear – that they do not support archaic policies which are destroying the Alaskan ecosystem. Alaska is the last place in the U.S. where humans have not gobbled up and destroyed the natural world. This unique place on the planet needs to be protected, and not allowed to continue to be nothing but a place where animals are trapped, and shot and skinned, and stuffed, and hung on a wall, or used as a rug to wipe your dirty feet. Tell Sarah Palin that the bears on this website are not a rug!

Contact Alaska Governor Sarah Palin

Tell Governor Sarah Palin that you oppose the slaughter of bears, wolves and other predators. Mention that you oppose the hunting of habituated grizzly bears in the Katmai Preserve. Tell her you support the abolishment of the Board of Game, which is comprised entirely of trophy hunters. These ignorant trophy hunters set most wildlife policies in Alaska.

Even Katmai bears can be hunted! Learn more here."

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