LOCAL Announcement :: Peace
Sept. 6 Northside Peace Gathering begins Year 6
PROTEST War, Militarism and Empire EVERY WEEK
Northside Peace Gathering
Every Saturday 2-4pm
Three Cornered Island of Peace
Milwaukee, Logan & Kedzie Aves.
These mini-demos on a busy/diverse corner
are Free Form and not connected to any
political party or group. They are open
to anyone opposing war, militarism and
their root cause Capitalism. Bring a friend
and a sign. Extra signs are available.
Tuesday Sept. 2, 2003, we began standing up
against these wretched, evil wars. Join us, or
DO "Something", Somewhere, Sometime! But
always remember,"Silence is Consent".
Get Angry Get Active
Aug. 30 is Gathering #318
Play for Peace: All music makers are invited
to bring their drums, horns, etc. to make music
against Greed, Fear, Hate and war. Play for
Equality, Freedom, Social Justice and PEACE.
We protest regardless of the weather, rain or
shine, hot or cold. Shovel snow when needed.