LOCAL Announcement :: Peace
Open meeting to plan Chicago area pre-election anti-war action(s)
On October 11, 2002, Congress approved the "Iraq War Resolution" granting the Bush administration authorization to invade Iraq.

In response to a call from New England anti-war groups for a national day of anti-war actions on October 11, 2008, we invite all Chicago area anti-war individuals and organizations to a meeting to decide on anti-war action(s) to organize for that day. Come help plan Chicago's participation in a National Day of Action against East wars and occupations, and potential future wars — Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine and Iran.
The organizing meeting will take place at 2 PM, Saturday, September 13th at the office of the 8th Day Center for Justice, 205 W. Monroe Street, 5th floor (wheelchair accessible). Due to security arrangements for the building, please arrive no earlier than 1:45 PM and no later than 2:15 PM (if you absolutely must arrive later than 2:15 PM, you will need to call 773.209.1187 to be let into the building).
This is an open organizing meeting, with no pre-set plan. The nature of the action(s) to be taken and under what slogan(s) will be decided by the participants.
If you have questions, please email CCAWR (at) aol.com