Barack Obama, the capitalist Democrats' front man for perpeptrating war and fascism, is not a natural born citizen, as is required by the US Constitution, Article 2, Sec 1, for a president. He was born in Kenya to an 18-year-old woman who, being under 19, could not fly to Hawaii from Kenya while in late pregnancy, and then both flew to Hawaii to register Obama's birth in Hawaii. His Hawaiian birth records are a forgery and if somehow someone declares them to be valid, he lost his citizenship around 1967 when his mother married an Indonesian and registered him as an Indonesian citizen in school.
Barack Obama, the capitalist Democrats' front man for perpeptrating war and fascism, is not a natural born citizen, as is required by the US Constitution, Article 2, Sec 1, for a president. He was born in Kenya to an 18-year-old woman who, being under 19, could not fly to Hawaii from Kenya while in late pregnancy, and then both flew to Hawaii to register Obama's birth in Hawaii. His Hawaiian birth records are a forgery and if somehow someone declares them to be valid, he lost his citizenship around 1967 when his mother married an Indonesian and registered him as an Indonesian citizen in school.
This story and the lawsuit based on these facts may be found at:
This writer never votes for the Democrat-Republicans and only considers Cynthia McKinney of the Green Party, Ralph Nader and any socialist on your ballot to be viable candidates. However, we all have to keep an eye on the twin parties of war and fascism as they are both threatening Russia, which could mean a nuclear war.
As to Obama, his meteoric rise to the presidential campaign is very odd. We should remember that he lost the big states like California, New York, Florida, Michigan, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Texas. It was obvious from the beginning that Hilary Clinton was the expected Democratic Party candidate. For more on this strange campaign, all brought to us by former Polish aristocrat, Zbigniew Brzezinski, staunch Russian hater, see Obama, the Post Modern Coup by Webster Tarpley. Tarpley is wrong about his support for nuclear power (although he is right about the disasters of coal; we need solar, wind and water power and a planned economy). However, his expose of Obama and Brzezinski is worth reading.