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LOCAL Announcement :: Elections & Legislation : Labor : Peace : Protest Activity : Right Wing

March on the RNC: Buy your bus tickets NOW!

Hundreds of people from the Chicago area are preparing to travel to St. Paul, Minnesota on September 1st to march on the Republican National Convention.
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March on the RNC: Buy your bus tickets NOW!

Hundreds of people from the Chicago area are preparing to travel to St. Paul, Minnesota on September 1st to march on the Republican National Convention.

Leading activists from Chicago, including Teamsters Local 743 President Richard Berg; immigrant rights organizer Jorge Mujica from the March 10th Movement; Hatem Abudayyeh from the Arab American Action Network; and Kathy Kelly, Nobel Peace Prize nominee will be speaking at the protest.

The protest rally begins on the 1st at 11:00 a.m. at the Minnesota State Capitol, with the march stepping off at 1:00 p.m. to the Xcel Center, site of the Convention. Delegates begin to arrive at the convention at 2:30 pm. There will be a 4:00 to 6:00 pm closing rally with musical performances and more speakers. George W. Bush will address the convention at 7:00 pm.

If you haven't bought your bus ticket yet, don't wait any longer. It could mean the difference between three busses from Chicago and four. We have only until next Wednesday, August 27th, to sell enough seats to take a fourth bus.

A limited number of need-based, partial scholarships are available. Don't hesitate to ask.

Bus Options: There are several schedules and prices, including charter busses, as well as some Mega Bus seats that we are holding.

Tickets are available for:

Charter Busses:
- $55 � returning Tuesday a.m., September the 2nd
- $65 - returning Wednesday a.m., September the 3rd

Transportation Details:
Monday 9/1: 2:30 a.m. - load busses on Columbus Drive behind the Art Institute.
Depart at 3:00 a.m.
- Return Schedule 1: Return trip departs St. Paul at 9:00 pm upon conclusion of Bush's speech. Drop off at Columbus Drive location.
- Return Schedule 2: Return trip departs St. Paul at midnight. Drop off at Columbus Drive location.
- Return Schedule 3: Return trip departs St. Paul at 8:00 pm on Tuesday, 9/2, following the March for Our Lives (4:00 � 8:00 pm).Drop off at Columbus Drive location.

Want to arrive a little early before the start of the rally? Mega Bus option: A limited number of one way tickets on Mega Bus are available. - $22

Transportation Details:
Sunday, August 31st. Board at Union Station, W. Jackson Blvd. and S.
Canal St.
Depart: 10:30 pm. Arrive North 3rd Ave by 4th St. Parking in Minneapolis, 6:30 a.m. You will be responsible for your own return reservation. You will be responsible for transportation in the Twin Cities. If you are able to volunteer to help the Coalition to March on the RNC, transportation assistance might be available.


If you are unable to travel to St. Paul, you can assist others that want to be part of the historic protest. You can contribute whatever amount you can afford. Recommended donation is $65, to cover the full cost of a bus seat. We are committed to getting everyone to St. Paul that wants to go, but many, especially low income people, aren't able to afford the price of a ticket. Help them get on the bus!

Pay On Line
The Coalition to March on the RNC and Stop the War have set up Paypal for us on their website:

If you prefer, you can write a check for the amount to the Coalition to March on the RNC. Mail it to POBox 87613, Chicago, IL 60680-0613. Write in the memo: Schedule 1, 2, or 3; Megabus; or donation.



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