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Mid-Summer Alert—Update

Very Strange Timing for Little Georgia to Attack the Big Bear
Mid-Summer Alert

— 08/08/08 to 8/28/2008 —

Lt. Col. Guy S. Razer
Maj. William B. Fox
Dr. James H. Fetzer
Capt. Eric H. May
SFC Donald S. Buswell

August 21, 2008

Lt.Col. Guy Razer

Very Strange Timing for Little
Georgia to Attack the Big Bear

In our 18 July 2008 Mid-Summer Alert 1 we warned about military exercises with the potential to go “live” in the form of a false flag event in the late July/early August time frame. We described “Immediate Response 2008,” which ran for three weeks beginning in mid-July and involved a thousand American troops training in the nation of Georgia.
We believe that part of this exercise actually went “live.” According to the 15-17 August Wayne Madsen Report, “United States and British signals intelligence (SIGINT) intercepts of Caucasus region communications…reveal that Georgia was involved in a sneak attack on the evening of August 8th against South Ossetia and its Russian peacekeepers.” Georgia opened up with indiscriminate rocket salvos against civilians inside the Russian protectorate of Ossetia, followed by invasion troops on the same day that Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and U.S President Bush attended the opening of the Chinese Olympics.
Maj. William Fox

The Israeli Connection In
the Anti-Iranian “Great Game”

According to the Wayne Madsen Report (8 Aug), George Soros’ Open Society Institute (OSI), which sponsored a themed “Rose Revolution” for control of Georgia in 2003, has also worked for years to stir up problems in South Ossetia. Regarding Iran, “Israel warned Russia that it would do `everything possible’ to prevent Russia supplying S-300 anti-aircraft/missile equipment to Iran.”
Significantly, Israel has not only been a major supplier of weapons and advisors to Georgia, but also has numerous high level connections. For example, the Georgian Defense Minister David Kezerashvili lived in Israel as a boy and speaks fluent Hebrew. The late Georgian Prime Minister, Zarab Zhvania who died in 2005, was Jewish and a close friend of the current president of Georgia, Mikheil Saakashvili. Georgia has so many other close ties with both Israel and the U.S. that both countries probably blessed the invasion as part of a broader geopolitical strategy to intimidate Russia out of its support for Iran in contemplation of a coming attack on Iran.
In “Leave It Alone, George,” 2 William S. Lind notes bellicose rhetoric from Bush that reinforces worst fears. The 11 Aug Cleveland Plain Dealer reported that “President Bush called the violence unacceptable and Vice President Dick Cheney . . . said Russia’s actions in Georgia `must not go unanswered.’” Lind states, “If . . . Washington provoked the conflict, [this] would be as great a crime as the Bush administration lying us into war with Iraq . . . It beggars the imagination to think that America could find itself in a nuclear confrontation with a post-Soviet Russia. But if the White House acts in accordance with its rhetoric, the next few weeks or even days may witness just such a strategic catastrophe.”
Capt. Eric H. May

Continued U.S. Naval
Maximum Muscle Flex

DEBKAfile reported 12 August 3 that the arrival of three new American flotillas raises to five the number of U.S. strike forces in Middle Eastern waters, an unprecedented build-up since the crisis erupted over Iran’s nuclear program. Its military sources postulated the following objectives for this Armada:

The US, aided also by France, Britain and Canada, is finalizing preparations for a partial naval blockade to deny Iran imports of benzene and other refined oil products. This action would indicate that the Bush administration had thrown in the towel on stiff United Nations sanctions and decided to take matters in its own hands.
Iran, which imports 40 percent of its refined fuel products from Gulf neighbors, will retaliate for the embargo by shutting the Strait of Hormuz oil route chokepoint, in which case the US naval and air force stand ready to reopen the Strait and fight back any Iranian attempt to break through the blockade.
Washington is deploying forces as back-up for a possible Israeli military attack on Iran ’s nuclear installations.
A potential rush of events in which a US-led blockade, Israeli attack and Iranian reprisals pile up in a very short time and precipitate a major military crisis.
While a massive deployment of this nature calls for long planning, its occurrence at this time cannot be divorced from the flare-up of the Caucasian war between Russia and Georgia. While Russia has strengthened its stake in Caspian oil resources by its overwhelming military intervention against Georgia , the Americans are investing might in defending the primary Persian Gulf oil sources of the West and the Far East .

From 11-22 August, the U.S. has also been running one of the largest multinational naval training exercises in the world near Central America involving more than 30 ships called “Panamax ’08.” According to officials, the scenario involves a hypothetical insurgent enemy in Central America with access to non-conventional weapons and perhaps even a nuclear device.
Whenever we hear the word “nuclear device” for any military exercise, we are reminded of Vice President Cheney’s prediction last summer that the next terror strike on America may inflict more casualties than all of America’s prior wars put together, which could come to over a million.
Dr. James Fetzer

Continuing Corruption and Intrigue
in the Greater Houston Terror Target Area

Prior articles in the Iconoclast, such as “Texas Terror, Code Blue!” 4 explain why the greater Houston area has been primary on the false flag terror target list. Recent events continue to reinforce this view, particularly in regard to the case of CIA Operative Roland “Tony” Carnaby. Talk show host Hal Turner claimed that according to one of his sources, Carnaby was alerted to a Mossad scheme to import a mini-nuke before his assassination.
The 8-10 August Wayne Madsen Report stated that a county grand jury has declined to prosecute a police sergeant and officer who shot Carnaby to death after his car ran out of gas on April 29th, and that “The Houston police disposed of police dashboard video tapes of the incident, audio tapes of phone calls, and the evidence gathered from Carnaby’s vehicle, including his laptop computer, cell phones, and other items.”
Madsen also notes that “Carnaby was contracted to the Port of Houston , as well as the two Houston area international airports, to provide security consultative services” and that furthermore “An Israeli firm, Orsus, is currently installing an integrated security monitoring system that will link video surveillance, visitor control, and police dispatch systems to a 24-hour Port Coordination Center.” George Soros is behind Orsus in addition to other Jewish/ Israeli interests. In addition, Soros has used his staggering wealth to buy up media related to Texas affairs as well as media involving former Soviet republics. Madsen notes that, “Soros managed to derail any effort by the so-called `progressive media’ sites he funds to properly investigate the shooting death of Carnaby.”
SFC Don Buswell

Behind the Occult Eight Ball

"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we . . . They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." George W. Bush, 5 Aug 2004 5

As strange as it may sound, there are reasons to believe that a numerological code might underlie the choice of dates for terroristic operations, especially when they just happen to be politically useful in relation to specific events behind these dates.
The Peking Olympics started at 8:08 PM (and 8 seconds) on 8-8-08. According to Wikipedia, “The number 8 is associated with prosperity and confidence in Chinese culture” 6
The U.S. also played the “8’s.” It opened its new embassy in Peking at 8:08 AM that morning. The Georgian aggression started in the 8-8-08 evening.
There is also an interesting numeric “echo” pattern to consider. The 3-30-2004 British Petroleum explosion in Texas City (which came within a day of the 3-31-2004 date predicted by Captain Eric May) was “echoed” by another explosion on 3-23-2005. The London terror bombing of 7-7-2005 was “echoed” by Captain May’s prediction date of 7-27-2005 for the greater Houston area, which turned out to be one day off the actual 7-28-2005 explosion at the British Petroleum refinery in Texas City. Hence, the digit “2” may have been inserted between each initial pair of repeated numbers to comprise the terror date code for the follow on event. For more explanation, please see “The Terror Date Code – Beware the Odds of March!” 6
Therefore, the 8-8-08 Georgia attack might be echoed with an 8-28-08 incident. 28 August happens to fall on the last day of the upcoming Democratic Convention, when certain Bush Republicans would no doubt love to pull the rug out from underneath any winner’s acceptance speech that might generate significant campaign momentum.
Again, we are not saying that we ourselves actually believe in terror date code numerology, or that we ever want to see our alerts actually go live (our ultimate purpose is deterrence), it is just that we believe that they believe in numeric esoterica – that is, “they” meaning spoiled rich kid Skull & Bonesmen, certain CIA-Mossad operatives, and other power elite neo-con neo-Kabbalists behind prospective Bush cabal false flag terror.

* * * * * * * * *

Lt. Col. Guy S. Razer is a retired U.S. Air Force Command fighter pilot. Dr. James H. Fetzer and Major William B. Fox are former U.S. Marine Corps officers. Captain Eric H. May and Sergeant First Class Donald Buswell are former members of Army intelligence. For more articles about false flag terror, refer to the archives of Capt. May, Maj. Fox, and Dr. Fetzer at

Additional References:
"Are You Ready for Nuclear War?" by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, Aug 18, 2008
"President Bush, Will You Please Shut Up?" by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, August 15, 2008, also reprinted as "Bush Pushes World Toward Nuclear War" in the Sept 1, 2008 American Free Press. This article provides evidence that the U.S. covertly supported the Georgia attack.
"The Neocons Do Georgia" by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, Aug 15, 2008.

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