SOCIALISM IS based on the idea that we should use the vast resources of society to meet people's needs.
****Special Fall Forums of the International Socialist Organization****
7pm September 11
Northeastern Illinois University
Student Union, Room 215
5500 N. St. Louis
7pm September 11
University of Illinois Chicago
Room TBA
750 S. Halsted
7pm September 18
DePaul University (Lincoln Park Campus)
Munroe Hall, Room 115
2312 N. Clifton Ave.
SOCIALISM IS based on the idea that we should use the vast resources of society to meet people's needs. If people are hungry, they should be fed. If people are homeless, we should build homes for them. If people are sick, the best medical care should be available to them. Socialism would take the vast wealth of the rich and use it to meet the basic needs of all society.
UNDER CAPITALISM, we have been through years of war for oil and empire, decades of attacks on workers' wages and living standards, attacks on civil rights and women's rights, cuts in health care, and more. On top of this, the growing economic crisis--foreclosures, food and fuel inflation, and increasing unemployment--are calling into question the ability of the system as it is currently set up to work at all.
COME TO these forums to discuss how we can organize for a society without war, racism and oppression, a society based on human need instead of corporate greed.
Sponsored by the ISO ( ) publishers of the daily
Socialist Worker Online ( ).
For more information e-mail
chicago_socialists (at) or call 773-370-4575.