• Plan on making it out to Denver for the week of the DNC
• Review UD’s day by day action framework and figure out where your affinity group fits in
• Plan on maximizing the street party on Sunday, organizing creative disruption of delegate activities on Monday, taking a lead in bringing the DNC to a halt on Tuesday, and creating decentralized alternatives and actions against environmental destruction on Wednesday.
• Let our communities know your plans. Affinity groups have already pledged to take lead roles in these actions but with your help we can bring this to another level. Send out public pronouncements from anonymous email addresses pledging your affinity group’s support and announce your commitment!
• Make sure you attend the action consulta in the evening of Saturday the 23rd and the morning consultas each morning before the action starts dncdisruption08.org
unconventionaldenver{at}riseup.net or denverlogistics{at}hush.com
Details below:
Reclaim the Streets!!!!
-Urban Reclamation Front of Unconventional Denver
Kick off a week of resistance to the corrupt two-party system and capitalism with a rowdy street party that will reclaim public space from the police state occupation of Denver!
Sunday the 24th is the day before the convention begins and a day in which delegates from across the country will be checking into their hotels and attending a pre-convention party in the evening. It has also been chosen by the network of groups mobilizing against the DNC as the day to demonstrate against war and occupation. Groups of all kinds will be out in force during Sunday starting with a morning anti-war march organized by Recreate 68 from the Civic Center down to the Pepsi Center. This will be followed by the Alliance for Real Democracy’s low-risk Funk the War celebration which will fill downtown with music and crowds dancing and speaking out against the war.
As you take to the streets in these morning and midday events, Unconventional Denver will be distributing information detailing when and where this anticapitalist party will manifest.
Plan on attending the low risk Funk the War celebration after the march with the understanding that when the signal is given we will emerge onto the streets of downtown in an explosion of color and noise. The goals for this action will be to transform public streets around the 16th street pedestrian mall and nearby delegate hotels into a scene of celebratory resistance that expands the scope of demonstrations off sidewalks and into a mobile force in the streets that cannot be missed.
This will be Unconventional Denver’s first action in what will be a long week. So we will be balancing our goals of taking concrete action against the police occupation of Denver by reclaiming public space with the necessity of keeping this street party out of the hands of the law.
Bring instruments, noise makers, boom boxes, and bicycle sound systems in order to fill the streets with the sound of our resistance and don’t forget to dress to impress! We will be experimenting with creative tactics for temporarily holding streets and intersections as we carve out space for our party so bring ideas, tools, and materials that can help make this action a success. Plan on attending the Saturday evening consulta to find out ways your affinity group can plug into making this action a success.
We will also use this moment to distribute propaganda and information about the following days of action and to set the tone for the week. There will be no business as usual in Denver during the DNC!
No Business As Usual!
monday evening:
come one come all: demand No Business As Usual when the Democrats get together for their capitalist fundraising orgy. While they’re giving windbag speeches and doing really bad karaoke and charging a thousand dollars a plate to fill their election coffers - anarchists, agitators, and other assorted clowns will be on-hand to disrupt the flow of capital and corporate cronyism that funds this sham democracy.
come one come all: interested parties will gather at 6pm at civic center park. Keep on the lookout for spritely elves in orange bandanas who will be giving out top-secret information on a couple of the choicest fundraisers and parties in Denver. Most of these parties will be starting after 9 or 10, so that gives folks and affinity groups a chance to chill for a few hours, finalize their plans, dress for success, mingle with the crowd. Or folks can play some of the fun direct action games we’ll have set up from 6-8 that night, to get some last-minute training before going into action. When they least expect it, at the appointed time monday night, we’ll emerge from the shadows to reconvene in downtown and get down and dirty. What surprises and successes will the night hold? That depends on you and what you bring to it. What kind of action is your affinity group interested in?
Do you like to share pies with politicians? Do the delegates from your state have an especially bad odor that needs to be masked? Would capitalists benefit from the educational opportunity to read communiques that seem to descend from the skies? Have a flavor of action you’re especially hungry for?
Satisfy the craving by setting up a one-time anonymous email address on a public computer, contacting unconventionaldenver{at}riseup.net or denverlogistics{at}hush.com with a bit of info on what sort of thing you might like to see happen on monday night, and there will promptly be a reply in that anonymous inbox with information on locations and times of fundraisers and parties that might just benefit from that flavor of action.
Change From Below, Not From Above!!!
We Vote NO!!
Join Unconventional Denver on Tuesday, August 26th as we take our message of liberation into the streets and to the Pepsi Center. Being that the convention is just a puppet show we seek to actively disrupt the convention’s media coverage through festive celebration of our success of surviving outside an oppressive system and the new world we are building.
This action is formed into two different parts- the snake marches and the blockades. Two snake marches will leave from two locations north and south of the Pepsi Center, making their way through downtown in a raucous, festive manner (bring your noise makers!) to delegate entrances at the Pepsi Center. Should one or both of the marches not reach the security perimeter, the marches will fall back to secondary goals.
Join the Action!
Affinity Groups are already in the process of finalizing their plans for this action, but Unconventional Denver is calling out to other uncommitted affinity groups to come to the DNC to ensure these plans come off successfully. With our goal of blockading delegates and holding space, we need affinity groups to decide what roles they can fill to meet this goal. Start planning with your affinity group now about what you are able to do.
Send out public pronouncements from anonymous email addresses pledging your affinity group’s support and announce your commitment. With your help we can do this!
What Does Success Look Like?
With this action, there are many different levels of success. First and foremost, the complete abolition of the state (Unconventional Denver will foot the bill on the after-party) is our goal. Barring that, we are seeking to disrupt the convention. There are other means of success from this action. Redecoration or change to the entire fence also brings attention and helps to subvert this ridiculous spectacle. Actions that demonstrate alternatives to war, capitalism, borders and oppression can demonstrate our movement within this framework. Being that the convention is just a puppet show we seek to actively disrupt the convention’s media coverage through festive celebration of our success of surviving outside an oppressive system and the new world we are building.
What Will The Action Look Like?
Our hope is that people come prepared not just for confrontation with the state but for a colorful, festive, celebration of our struggle for collective liberation. This hope is not specific just to the Tuesday actions but for the entire week- we aren’t just protesting the Democrats and an oppressive system but striving to show what a new world could look like. We are equal parts love and rage, mixed together in a potent cocktail that
provides us the strength to struggle today and the courage to continue tomorrow. Come prepared not just for five days of intense action but for five days of inspiring (to ourselves and others) belief in action.
No Warming! A day of actions and alternatives
The Democrats are calling the DNC this summer the ‘Greenest’ convention ever, with talk of their carbon offsets, composting and organic food. However, their environmental policies show their real desire for business as usual; delay, procrastination (2050, really?), and ‘green’ capitalism. These ’solutions’ will only further the environmental destruction from which the world is already suffering. On August 27th, we will meet the Democrats in the streets and show the world the real solutions to the global climate
and environmental crisis.
Join us for a day of actions and alternatives in the streets of Denver. Unconventional Denver is calling for both decentralized and coordinated direct actions shutting down the sources of global warming and the corporations profiting from environmental destruction and funding the Democratic party.
What this will look like: Although this is a call for an autonomous day of action, Unconventional Denver still has a few tricks up its sleeve. In conjunction with other groups around the country, we are calling for a few targeted actions throughout the day.
9:00 AM: Its time to do more then plant trees!
One of the democrat’s efforts to greenwash the convention is their “service day”. One of the things they will be doing is planting trees in a local park. We will “greet” the delegates and let them know that they need to be doing more then planting trees. We will meet at 9:00am at civic center park and march to the tree planting site. Get up early and hassle some greenwashers.
1:00 PM: Anti Green capitalist “reeducation” walk Enough of green capitalism! Enough of polluters profiting from environmental destruction while hiding behind a mask of false sustainability! A march to show them what we think of them! We will “visit” some of Denver’s most notorious polluters and purveyors of green capitalism (as well as DNC supporters) and use creative and direct action to stop their plundering of our natural resources and destruction of the environment. We will also work to ‘reeducate’ the public that they can’t buy their way to sustainability. Meet at civic center park at 2:00 sharp to kick off our “walking tour” (hint: look for the green and black flags). Come ready for fun and direct action.
Enough of oil wars! Enough of burning fossil fuels to get around! We have bikes! This critical mass bike ride will take to the streets and highlight sustainable transportation, not as an alternative, but as freedom from oil!
Bring your bikes and mobile noise makers! Meet at 5:30 in civic center park and ride at 6:00!
Additionally, the calls for autonomous action could manifest itself into many forms, from shutting down local major pollution sources, fossil fuel based transportation systems, and corporate offices, to disrupting DNC green events and street theater exposing false solutions.
To provide real solutions, Unconventional Denver is also calling for people to demonstrate real solutions to the global climate crisis. This could be anything from guerrilla gardening and bike blocs, to simplicity enforcement and consumer deprogramming, or other creative actions folks can think up to show the world truly sustainable ways to live.
This day of action comes on the heels of increased awareness among the masses of ‘global warming’ as a serious threat to the planet. we can’t let the politicians in power pull the green wool over the eyes of the people, pedaling false solutions that only work to line the pockets of the powerful. We must agitate for real solutions before people buy into crap like ‘future emission cuts’ and ‘green coal’ which will sink us deeper into
this ecological crisis. It is up to radical environmentalists to demand solutions beyond capitalism and fossil fuels. We must grab this opportunity to reach the world and throw the democrats’ lies back in their faces.
Come ready for action. Come ready for fun. You can find out more about the DNC protests and this day of action at
www.dncdisruption08.org, or by emailing
unconventionaldenver (at) riseup.net. Unconventional Denver is committed to helping affinity groups wanting to do actions with logistical support on the ground here in Denver. Drop us a line if you are planning on coming and let us know if you need any help. Feel free to email us if you have questions. Talk this over with your affinity groups and friends, and make your plans to come out. See you in the streets!
March Against Borders: No One is Illegal
On the final day of the convention we will be joining the national mobilization for immigrant rights that will be showing its force during the DNC. Unconventional Denver will be making a strong showing of solidarity with targeted immigrant communities by taking to the streets in the 10:30am march. We will be drawing connections between the struggle for immigrant rights and the struggle against global capitalism as well as the struggle to dismantle borders and walls of all kinds. This will be a low-risk action safe for all people regardless of immigration status so play nice.