Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights

Justice for Blanca Luna! Benefit

Blanca Luna served in Iraq and was stabbed to death in her room on the base. Even though evidence points to murder (scratch marks and signs that she was defending herself), the military claims it was a suicide (after first declaring it a homicide) and refuses to investigate any further. The family is currently trying to raise money to exhume and examine the body. Please help them raise funds!
Chicago Area CodePINK asks
Please help publicize this event! PDF flyers are available at these links: In English:
And in Spanish:

Justice for Blanca Luna! Benefit BBQ
Saturday, August 9, 2 to 8 pm
Corner of Harvey and Le Moyne Sts,
Oak Park, IL

Blanca Luna Murdered!
Military "justice" for a Chicago area Latino family has predictably fallen short. Despite strong evidence that Blanca Luna was murdered at an Air Force base in Texas, military authorities have listed her death as a suicide. They are apparently motivated by a desire to avoid greater embarrassment and avoid paying out benefits to Blanca's family.
Blanca's story received an excellent front page write up in the Chicago Reader – see for the full story.

Now Blanca's family and a committee of supporters, Comite Anti-Militarizacion, and Chicago Area CODEPINK are working to raise the $11,000 necessary to exhume her body, have a professional pathologist examine it, and force the authorities to concede some measure of justice.

Help Get Justice for Blanca Luna
Come to an open house barbecue fundraiser for Blanca featuring the live music of "The Howard Output Experience" -- 2 PM to 8 PM, Saturday, August 9 at the corner of Harvey and Le Moyne Streets in Oak Park (1/2 block south of North Avenue and one block east of Ridgeland). Minimal charges for food and drink and bake sale items will help the benefit, but please bring your check books to make extra donations!

The food's already paid for, so literally EVERYTHING will go to Blanca's justice fund. *For information on donating food (we need baked goods), funds, or for directions to the party(!), contact Julia at 773-877-8141 or email us at codepinkchicago (at)

Please make checks out to Comité Anti-Militarizacion and specify "Blanca Luna Benefit" on the memo portion.

If you can't attend the house BBQ, please contribute to the online fundraising campaign: Justice for Blanca Luna Fundraiser here:

CODEPINK is a women-initiated grassroots peace and social justice movement working to end the war in Iraq, stop new wars, and redirect our resources into healthcare, education and other life-affirming activities. We are deeply indebted to Comité Anti-Militarizacion for their leadership on Blanca's behalf.



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