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News :: Protest Activity

RNC: A Mid-Atlantic Cluster Claims Sector 3!

Only 2 sectors to go!
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A Mid-Atlantic cluster is psyched to announce that we will be working in Sector 3 in solidarity with the RNC Welcoming Committee's call to disrupt the Republican National Convention!

In a time when this country is focusing on the rhetoric of "change" we believe that as anarchists, anti-authoritarians, and radicals, the electoral spectacle must not pass without a voice speaking up LOUD for REAL FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE. The fundamental structures of oppression in our culture must be addressed, not just the face of the administration (a superficial placation). Our aim is not to confront the Republicans alone, but the entirety of the electoral system. Amidst this celebration of the top down politics of alienation and disempowerment, we will be there to say "hell nah! Our politics are the politics of cooperation, community, respect for each other, our animal friends, and our planet. These are the politics of the future."

The blockade strategy is going to be most effective if all of the groundin St. Paul is covered. With three entrances to the Xcel center, Sector 3 is crucial ground. We have by no means excluded the probability that thereare other Affinity Groups and Clusters organizing from the Mid-Atlantic and we would love to take this opportunity to meet, network and organize with each other. We'd also like to invite clusters of any variety, from any locality who are interested in autonomous coordinated direct action to\join us in Sector 3 to show the world the power we have when working non-hierarchically to accomplish our goals.

If you are part of a group or cluster looking to join the blockadestrategy in sector 3, please e-mail (non sensitive info only please!) ua.midatlantic (at), so we can begin to organize, coordinate, and make friends.



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