The snowswarm guarantees that our snowbanks will not foreclose on your home, rob your family, bankroll nazis, or redline your neighborhood.
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* * * for immediate release * * *
RNC Delegates: Foul Weather Warning in Sector 5
On Labor Day, 2008, as the republican horde descends on St. Paul and their sweating souls push the heat to unbearable levels, the renegade reindeer squadron has announced plans to seed the burning clean-coal clouds (tm) above Sector 5 with cold and fluffy justice. What follows below will be the greatest snowswarm in Midwestern h'story.
Calling all abominable snow-people, snow angels, wolfriders, garden gnomes, errant polar bears, woolly mammoths, seals with clubs, and other snow-identified beings: Your time is now. Join the snowswarm in sector 5! Put the freeze on the republocratic agenda! Defend winter before they take it away forever!
The advance of our frolicking swarm will be quick and joyous--lasting only long enough to blockade the convention and return I-94 to the earth as a gentle warning to the ecocidal I-69 profiteers who are plowing over homes, farms, and native habitats in Southern Indiana as we speak.
Twin City drivers should respect the wildlife and expect ice hazards. Not the Postville, Iowa, ethnic-cleansing, union-busting, family-splitting, roundups of immigrant workers into corporate concentration camps-type of ICE. Think black ice on cold asphalt waiting for the next occupation convoy to roll through. That's how we do ice.
As for the cold and fluffy justice dropping from the sky, we know it may be inconvenient, but the snowswarm guarantees that our snowbanks will not foreclose on your home, rob your family, bankroll nazis, or redline your neighborhood. Bring a sled, hop on, and join the fun.
NOTE: to those who mean to invade the snow globe and undermine our good work, GET OUT' THE POTLUCK! We will turn back your raids and swarm your hog colonies wherever they spawn, be it South Dakota or Minnesota.
See you in the snowswarm with A Midwest Cluster and the Bash Back Pink & Blue Bloc in Sector 5.
The Abominable Snow-People
From the Midwest, young and restless.
on the matrix: snowswarm [at] riseup [dat] net
The snowswarm is a direct-action contingent welcoming those who agree with the following...
<1> Commitment to the Swarm, Sieze, and Stay (3S) strategy to blockade the xcel center and crash the republican national convention.
i. Move into/around Downtown St. Paul via swarms of varying sizes, from multiple directions, and with diverse tactical intentions.
ii. Seize space through both hard (e.g., lockboxes) and soft (e.g., congestion), fixed and mobile, blockading methods.
iii. Stay engaged with the situation in downtown St. Paul as long as necessary. Regroup. Reinforce.
<2> Solidarity with the RNC Welcoming Committee's points of unity: (
i. A rejection of Capitalism, Imperialism, and the State;
ii. Resist the commodification of our shared and living Earth;
iii. Organize on the principles of decentralization, autonomy, sustainability, and mutual aid;
iv. Work to end all relationships of domination and subjugation, including but not limited to those rooted in patriarchy, race, class, and homophobia;
v. Oppose the police and prison-industrial complex, and maintain solidarity with all targets of state repression;
vi. Directly confront systems of oppression, and respect the need for a diversity of tactics.
<3> Solidarity with Bash Back and the Pink & Blue Block (our friendly neighbors in Sector 5 --
BashBack Points of Unity:
i. Fight for liberation. Nothing more, nothing less. State recognition in the form of oppressive institutions such as marriage and militarism are not steps toward liberation but rather towards heteronormative assimilation.
ii. A rejection of Capitalism, Imperialism, and all forms of State power.
iii. Actively oppose oppression both in and out of the "movement." All oppressive behavior is not to be tolerated.
iv. Respect a diversity of tactics in the struggle for liberation. Do not solely condemn an action on the grounds that the State deems it to be illegal.
<4> Commitment to following the "St. Paul Principles" of solidarity in action
i. Our solidarity will be based on respect for a diversity of tactics and the plans of other groups.
ii. The actions and tactics used will be organized to maintain a separation of time or space.
iii. Any debates or criticisms will stay internal to the movement, avoiding any public or media denunciations of fellow activists and events.
iv. We oppose any state repression of dissent, including surveillance, infiltration, disruption and violence. We agree not to assist law enforcement actions against activists and others.
1. Be sure that you understand and agree with the above conditions of participation.
2. Form an affinity group with snow-people you trust, repeat step #1 with the crew.
3. Prepare* to be mobile and creative (think 3S). Wear white and/or do your own thang with the Midwestern snowswarm theme.
4. Create an email account for your group and contact snowswarm [at] riseup [dat] net to announce your intention to participate and get on the list for updates.
5. Watch the sky for reindeer.
* has all the maps and intel a wolfrider could dream of. Get on their announcement list while you're at it.
September 1, 2008. Sector 5. St. Paul, MN. More details will be forthcoming. Plan on visiting the Convergence Center the morning of Sept. 1 for mobilizing details.
The snowswarm guarantees that our snowbanks will not foreclose on your home, rob your family, bankroll nazis, or redline your neighborhood.