12 noon
Saturday, August 2
State of Illinois Building Plaza
Randolph and Clark Streets, Chicago
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The threat of a new war against Iran is real:
+++ President Bush has repeatedly threatened war against the country, threatening to repeat the disasters that he's brought to Iraq and Afghanistan. Israel has recently simulated bombing runs against Iran and several authoritative sources say that the U.S. is operating paramilitary forces within the country.
+++ Both major presidential candidates have threatened to bomb the country. McCain and Obama hypocritically refuse to take United States' use of nuclear weapons off of the table while denouncing an alleged Iranian nuclear weapons program which even the U.S.'s own National Intelligence Estimate says does not exist.
+++ The Democratic-controlled Congress is pushing for a resolution that calls for a blockade of Iran – a move widely interpreted as an act of war. Their dangerous resolution, (HConRes 362) which would give Bush much the same blank check he used to start the Iraq war, has already rolled up more than 200 co-sponsors in the House alone.
Iran has not threatened the U.S. in any way. The Bush administration has been committing crimes against the peace by repeatedly threatening a military attack and making propaganda in favor of such an attack. The U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are illegal, unjust and stand against the demands of the majority of Americans and all the world’s peoples. It is the U.S., its aggression and its attacks on rights at home and abroad that are grave threats.
Since the leaders of both major parties are promoting a new war, the Chicago Coalition Against War & Racism is initiating a No War On Iran / U.S. Troops Out of the Middle East protest that will target both parties' headquarters in the Loop.
** Assemble at 12 noon, Saturday, August 2, Randolph & Clark Streets
** Followed by a March to:
— Cook County Republican Headquarters
— Barack Obama / Democratic Party Campaign Headquarters
— the Israeli consulate
** Ending at Millennium Park
No sanctions, blockade or others acts of war on Iran!
Troops home NOW from Iraq and Afghanistan!
For more information or to endorse the protest, send an email to CCAWR@aol.com
8th Day Center for Justice
Albany Park, North Park, Mayfair Neighbors for Peace and Justice
ANSWER Chicago
Chicago Area CodePINK
Chicago Chapter, World Can't Wait, Drive Out Bush Regime
Chicago Labor Against the War
Evanston Neighbors for Peace
Gay Liberation Network
International Action Center
International Socialist Organization
International Solidarity Movement-Chicago
Iraq Veterans Against the War
Nicaragua Solidarity Fair Trade Resource
No War on Iran Coalition
North Shore Coalition for Peace and Justice
Palestine Solidarity Group-Chicago
Southsiders for Peace
New PDF flyer now available:
Flyer01.pdf (205 k)
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