News :: Protest Activity
Campus Antiwar Network Announces Plans to Crash the RNC and Storm Sector 6!
Campus Antiwar Network is calling for a student and youth bloc in sector 6 of the RNC Welcoming Committee's map
The Republicans are laying all the conditions for the destruction of our future, so the least we can do is fuck up their convention. One of the first things many delegates are going to see en route to the Excel Center is the power of young people resisting empire.
Map: [ ]
We refuse to be cannon fodder for the wars of the rich and to sit idly by while tuition increases and job prospects for college and high school graduates continue to decline.
By interfering with the continuation of business as usual, we are fighting for all of our brothers and sisters struggling to pay off their student loans, holding down multiple jobs in this declining economy, or off on the other side of the earth trying to pay for college by oppressing other peoples.
We are also protesting their attacks on immigrants and people of color. We are demanding an end to the militarization of our schools. We are taking back our communities.