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Chicago War Tour Success

If you couldn't make the first annual Chicago War Tour, this is a must read.
On July 3rd, 30+ people took a bike tour of Chicago’s war-profiteering industry. The miniature critical mass visited eight companies: Boeing, Booze Allen Hamilton, Northrop Grumman, Triple Canopy, URS Corporation, Fluor International Corporation, Honeywell, and the GE Corporation Commercial Financial Division.
The mass of bikers and amplified narration and music inevitably slowed downtown traffic and caught the attention of every motorist and pedestrian along the route. The tour also momentarily disrupted diners at restaurants on State Street with loud, militant chants demanding an end to apathy, the occupation, and war profiteering. However militant the chants, the tour merely served as an introduction to the ominous Military Industrial Complex here in Chicago. The tour could have covered about half a dozen more companies in the loop alone, and 40 more scattered throughout the city.
One participant remarked how the inaccessibility of the glistening anonymous buildings downtown reflect the opaqueness of how and why military functions are so widely outsourced. No open policy debates have ever taken place, and no executive orders are issued when higher ups in the Department of Defense award multibillion dollars to private companies. Another baffling aspect of this industry is that so many of these corporations have been fined millions of dollars by the US government on multiple occasions over a period of decades. Some of the indictments were as serious as “overcharging the Air Force for B-2 bomber instruction and repair manuals” (Northrop Grumman, 2000), “illegally obtaining classified Pentagon papers” (Boeing, 1989), “falsifying quality control inspection records at the Idaho National Engineering and 
Environmental Laboratory” (URS, 2003), “defrauding the Pentagon by diverting Pentagon funds to private bank accounts and using them to fund Israeli military programs not authorized by the United States” (GE Corporation, 1992). The list of indictments goes on, yet these companies keep getting awarded billion dollar contracts year after year of pleading guilty. One has to wonder, what else gets covered up?
For those of you who couldn’t make it to the tour, here’s a short and quick guide to these corporations. This information is published here to help you to take an active role in your community to undermine the Military Industrial Complex. “Active,” used here, does not mean protests and banal shows of democracy. Here, it is defined as insurrection. Calculated strikes at the heart of the machine.
email chicagofreeschool (at) for questions or comments.

Triple Canopy Group, Inc.

429 West Ohio, Suite 180
Chicago, IL 60610

Tom Katis, Co-Chairman, Matt Mann, Co-Chairman, John Peters, Director

- Triple Canopy Inc. was founded in Chicago, IL, in September 2003 by Thomas Katis, Matthew Mann and John Peters. By 2005 they had accumulated over $90 million in government contracts. They are involved in firefights in Iraq. In 2005, Triple Canopy moved their corporate headquarters to a federal government-centric location in Fairfax County, Herndon, Va., just outside Washington, D.C. They've also expanded their global presence by opening offices in Abu Dhabi and Nigeria. In June 2007, Triple Canopy acquired Clayton Consultants, Inc., a crisis management security consultancy specializing in the prevention and resolution of kidnap for ransoms, extortions, product contamination and client risk. .

- Triple Canopy is an "eclectic group of individuals from a dizzying array of backgrounds. From bankers to Green Berets, from technologists to management consultants, the one thing in common is that coveted combination of ability, character and intelligence. At Triple Canopy, we are our people, and we are the best," says their webpage

- Triple Canopy was awarded a contract to protect the Coalition of Provisional Authority in January 2004 before they even had vehicles, guns, or many employees. (The CPA was the occupations governing body that was installed right after the fall of Baghdad.)

- Matt Mann's brother in-law, Ken Rooke, works at a speedway in North Carolina, and at Mann's request, Rooke supplied Triple Canopy with a fleet of bullet proof Mercedes Sedans that used to be owned by the sultan of Brunei and then were rented and tricked out by some rappers for their music videos in the US. The tires on the Mercedes Sedans have run-flat tires, so the vehicles could be driven out of ambushes even after the tires had been blasted by gunfire. He learned how to ship his makeshift fleet to Iraq.

- For guns, too, Triple Canopy had to make do. Transporting firearms from the United States required legal documents that the company couldn't wait for; instead, in Iraq, it got Department of Defense permission to visit the dumping grounds of captured enemy munitions. The company took mounds of AK-47's and culled all that were operable.

- Triple Canopy is currently the defendant in a lawsuit filed by three former employees who worked for Triple Canopy under a contract for KBR. Former Army Ranger Shane Schmidt and former Marine Charles L. Sheppard III claim in the lawsuit that on July 8, 2004, while en route to the Baghdad airport, their shift leader declared he was "going to kill someone today" and shortly afterwards stepped out of the vehicle and fired rounds of his M4 rifle through the windshield of a stopped truck.
The suit goes on to claim the shift leader said, "This didn't happen, understand?" Soon after, the shift leader stated he had "never shot anyone with my handgun before" and then fired his handgun through the windshield of a parked taxi, killing the driver.
When Schmidt and Sheppard reported the incident, they were fired by Triple Canopy. The shift leader was sent back to the United States. Triple Canopy has not denied the incident occurred; rather they argue that no violation of Virginia law occurred and that Schmidt and Sheppard were "at-will" employees and could be fired for any reason.

- Private military companies are not subject to Iraqi law, nor are they subject to US military law. There is no record of private contractor deaths and suicides and there are now more private contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan than there are US troops.

- Triple Canopy has drawn criticism for taking advantage of the high unemployment and low wages in Peru to recruit workers. They have been hiring former members of Peru’s security forces to work in Iraq for the past several years. It also hires workers from Chile, Colombia El Salvador, and Fiji. The Americans they hire are usually military veterans from highly specialized divisions. They’ve also hired South African veterans who served to maintain apartheid policies.

- Americans and other Westerners in the private military/security business tend to make between $400 and $700 a day, sometimes a good deal more. (The non-Westerners earn far less. Triple Canopy's Fijians and Chileans make between $40 and $150 dollars each week and sleep in crowded barracks at the Baghdad base, while the Americans sleep in their own dorm rooms. The company explained the difference in salaries in terms of the Americans' far superior military backgrounds and their higher-risk assignments.)

Triple Canopy helps spring board a disaster-profiteer company into success:

-Triple Canopy's first office was located at 200 W Adams St in Chicago, IL. Their phone number was (312) 895-5000. Now that address and phone number belong to a company called Sovereign Deed. Sovereign Deed "provides response services for both man-made and natural disasters, empowering its Members to succeed when the normal infrastructure breaks down and when local emergency response services are overwhelmed" (from their website: It was founded by Barrett H. Moore, who was the chief executive officer of Triple Canopy until May 2004. He was fired and charged fraud, with raiding the company treasury for his own profit, and seizing control of the company's Web addresses and communications infrastructure as a bargaining chip in negotiations of a severance package. Moore denied the charges, and the lawsuit was settled out of court in September 2005. The terms of the agreement are confidential, but according to bank records filed in the Illinois fraud lawsuit, Moore received a $6 million payment in March 2006 identified as "Triple Canopy settlement." While he was working as a used car salesman in Melbourne, Australia, he was also convicted of three counts of criminal fraud in 1992 and served time in prison, according to court records there. And despite the claims on the Triple Canopy website while he was still working there, and Sovereign Deed's website today, Moore never served as an Army intelligence officer, or in any other branch of the country's armed forces. According to U.S. Army record keepers, Moore never completed his Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) program in college and was discharged from an inactive branch of the Reserves in 1994 without ever having gone through basic training. Moore used his success in Triple Canopy to gain political influence, as he has been able to persuade both Republican and Democratic state officials to rewrite state law so that Sovereign Deed can receive $10 million in tax abatements and other incentives to establish his private disaster relief business in northern Michigan.

Booz Allen Hamilton 
225 W Wacker Dr # 1700 
Chicago, IL 60606
CEO Ralph Shrader 
Phone 703-902-5000 
- Founded 1914 in Chicago as management consulting firm, got its first 
military contract (including Army, Navy) in 1940, post-war contracts 
with Pentagon and Air Force.
- The Carlyle Group bought a majority stake in Booz Allen’s government 
unit in May of 2008. In the 1990s when Former Secretary of Defense 
Frank Carlucci was in charge of the Carlyle Group, he bought and sold 
nearly a dozen intelligence companies. Former Carlyle advisors include 
George Bush Sr. 
 - Over 50% of Booz Allen's business is US government agency 
contracts. $2 billion government contracting business makes it one of 
the biggest suppliers of technology and personnel to the U.S. 
government’s spy agencies.
- Contracted by federal government to oversee Boeings work on the SBI- 
Net project, the high tech border surveillance project between the USA 
and Mexico. Boeing has also contracted Booz Allen since 1993 
to make sure the airplane company maintains its dominance in the 
- Began close relationship with NSA in 1990s as chief private 
consultant for Project Groundbreaker. Groundbreaker privatized the 
NSA's communication and networking systems to Computer Sciences 
Corporation (which owned Dyncorp from 2003 to 2005) and Northrop 
Grumman's IT subsidiary. 

- Booz Allen "employs more than 10,000 TS/SCI Cleared personnel." ie: 
top-secret-sensitive compartmented intelligence, one of the 
government's highest security ratings. As of 2002, Booz Allen employed 
more than 1000 former government intelligence officers, many of which 
perform the same tasks at Booz Allen as they did for the government. 
This makes Booz Allen the intelligence contractor comparable to 
Blackwater USA, which hires ex-military as private mercenary 

URS Corporation 
100 S Wacker Dr 
Chicago, IL 60606
CFO H. Thomas Hicks 
Phone 415-774-2700 
Revenues $5.4 billion 
Profit $132 million
- A leading contractor to the U.S. Department of Defense, providing 
engineering, technical assistance, operations and maintenance, and 
management services, including the management of “threat reduction and 
chemical weapons demilitarization programs.”
- A major contractor to the U.S. Department of Energy, serving on the 
management teams of four of the largest U.S. National Research 
Laboratories, as well as managing and disposing of nuclear waste. 
(Designs, builds, operates and maintains fossil fuel, hydropower, 
nuclear and alternative/renewable power generation facilities, and 
serves as a leading mining contractor for energy, minerals and metals mines.
- URS was awarded a contract on June 18th, 2008 of up to $1.5 billion 
to provide support to NASA and United States Air Force, including operations, maintenance and engineering services to assigned 
facilities, systems, equipment and utilities, propellants and life 
support services, as well as institutional logistics, transportation 
logistics and laboratory services.
- URS was controlled by Richard Blum, an investment banker and 
University of California Regent married to U.S. Senator Dianne 
Feinstein (D, CA), when it started receiving controversial $600 
million reconstruction contracts after the invasion of Iraq. Blum’s 
investment firm scored $100 million from that contract alone. 
Washington Group International, acquired by URS in 2007, had also 
received contracts related to the disastrous Iraq reconstruction 
- In March 2008 the Pentagon revealed that parts for Minuteman nuclear 
missiles had been mistakenly shipped to Taiwan from Hill Air Force 
Base in Utah by EG&G Technical Services, now a division of URS.
- The 10-K report filed by URS in early 2008 noted that the 
acquisition of Washington Group brought with it dozens of civil 
lawsuits pending against a subsidiary of the company that had worked 
on levees in New Orleans that failed during the flooding caused by 
Hurricane Katrina in 2005. The report also noted that URS itself is 
being sued by the Tampa-Hillsborough County Expressway Authority in 
Florida for a breach of contract and professional negligence in a roadway project.
- In 2003 Washington Group was hit with a fine of $55,000 by the 
Department of Energy, which accused the company of falsifying quality 
control inspection records at the Idaho National Engineering and 
Environmental Laboratory.

GE Corporation Commercial Finance Division 

500 W Monroe St 
Chicago, IL 60661
CEO Jeffrey R. Immelt 
Revenue: $163.4 billion 
Profit: $20.8 billion 
Phone 203-373-2211
- GE owns the broadcasting network NBC. GE is the world's second 
largest company. 

- In their 2002 report, "Titans of the Enron Economy: The 10 Habits of 
Highly Defective Corporations," United for a Fair Economy gave a 
"special Lifetime Achievement Award" to General Electric "for scoring 
the highest average rank across all 10 bad habits, the only company to 
outrank second-place Enron. GE exceeds Enron’s score by an astonishing 
- Military applications/projects: Perimeter surveillance that 
distinguishes human motion. Trace detection that keeps contraband 
substances out. Biometric access control and electronic key management 
systems to keep everyone on their proper side (ie: retinal, 
fingerprint, or facial scanning). GE also builds engines for fighters, 
helicopters and transports used by the US around the world. 

guilty to charges of defrauding the Pentagon and agreed to pay $69 
million to the U.S. government in fines — one of the largest defense 
contracting fines ever. A former marketing employee, along with an 
Israeli Air Force General, diverted Pentagon funds to their own bank 
accounts and used them to fund Israeli military programs not 
authorized by the United States. 
- The company has repeatedly violated the False Claims Act. General 
Electric was responsible for 15 instances of fraudulent activity in 
just a four year period (1990-1994) — more than any other defense 
contractor. Activity included: misrepresentation, money laundering, 
defective pricing (2 incidents), cost mischarging (3 incidents), false 
claims, product substitution, conspiracy/conversion of classified 
documents, procurement fraud and mail fraud. 

- RACIST WORKING ENVIRONMENT: a black worker at GE’s Burkville, 
Alabama plant filed a suit claiming that General Electric officials 
fostered a racially hostile environment. The workers claimed they were 
subjected to Ku Klux Klan symbols, swastikas and a hangman’s noose at 
the plant. 
- ENVIRONMENTAL DEGRADATION: PCB contamination of the Hudson River 
from two GE manufacturing plants in Hudson Falls and Fort Edward have 
caused EPA to list the location as a Superfund site in the early 
1980s. In 2000, the EPA announced a 5-year plan to dredge 2.65 million 
cubic yards of PCB-contaminated sediment along a 40-mile stretch of 
the river. GE responded with denials: CEO Jack Welch claimed: “PCBs do 
not pose adverse health risks.” Testifying in Albany on July 9, 1998, 
EPA Administrator Carol Browner stated: “science tells us the opposite 
is true ... And concern about PCBs goes beyond cancer ... The science 
has spoken: PCBs are a serious threat...” PCBs from GE have also 
contaminated the Housatonic River in Connecticut, as well as in or 
near the Coosa River Basin in Georgia (traced to GE's Rome, Georgia 
- GE's NUCLEAR PROBLEMS: 1991: GE personnel accidentally moved about 
320 pounds of uranium to a waste treatment tank. The size and shape of 
the waste container caused unsafe concentrations of uranium. GE- designed nuclear reactors around the world have a design flaw that 
make it virtually certain (90 percent) that in the event of a 
meltdown, radiation would be released directly into the environment 
and into surrounding communities, leaving the public without any 
- NUCLEAR TESTING ON HUMANS (witting and unwitting): GE ran the Hanford Nuclear Reservation in Richland, Washington as part of the 
U.S. weapons program. Beginning in 1949, they deliberately released radioactive material to see how far downwind it would travel. One 
cloud drifted 400 miles, all the way down to the California-Oregon 
border, carrying perhaps thousands of times more radiation than that 
emitted at Three Mile Island. Unwitting inmates at a prison in Walla
Walla, Washington, near Hanford, had their scrotums and testes 
irradiated to determine the effects of radiation on human reproductive 
- Pressure from boycotts of GE consumer and medical products forced GE 
to give up its nuclear activities in the late 1980s. 

Watchdogs and related campaigns: 
United Electrical Workers (UE) 
Hudson Watch 
Clean Up GE 
Toxic Targeting (PCB information) 
GE Workers' Coordinated Bargaining Committee 
Corporate Accountability International (formerly INFACT) 
Project on Government Oversight contractor misconduct d-base.

629 W Sheridan Rd 
Chicago, IL 60613
CEO David M. Cote 
Revenues $31.4 billion 
Profits $2.1 billion 
Phone 973-455-2000 
- Honeywell produces radiation hardened electronics and radiation 
technology for military aerospace system designers, including the F-22 
Raptor supersonic combat aircraft, which has a hundred times more 
computing power than the Space Shuttle, and the UAV, a small, 
unmanned, remote-controlled hovering craft, which is used to identify 
improvised explosive devices, or IEDs, in Iraq.
- Honeywell provides access control, visitor management and tracking, 
and video surveillance to US prisons.
- Honeywell produces flight control & management systems, cockpit 
products & systems, advanced electronics, navigation, power systems 
and landing systems for military aircraft throughout the world. 
Products range from components to fully integrated systems, newly 
build or retrofitted. Made to DoD standard, or tailored and optimized 
for your private needs!
- Honeywell ranks 44th in a list of U.S. corporations most responsible 
for air pollution, releasing more than 9.4 million pounds of toxins 
per year into the air. According to the US EPA, no corporation has 
been linked to a greater number of Superfund toxic waste sites than 

- Honeywell to pay $451 million to clean up Onondaga Lake, one of the 
most polluted lakes in the United States, and a sacred site to Native 
America tribes. Allied-Signal, a former chemical company bought by 
Honeywell, produced the pollution in the form of caustic soda, soda 
ash, chlorinated benzenes, and dumped it into the lake for 70 years. 

- Honeywell owns maquilladoras in Mexico and utilizes prison labor to 
make its products. Talk about competitive edge! Complaints against Honeywell in 64-page report, "Trading Away Rights: The Unfulfilled 
Promise of NAFTA's Labor Side Agreement," allege systematic workers' 
rights violations in Canada, Mexico, and USA. 

- Honeywell has also been using a 5-acre plot of ground in the Chicago neighborhood of Little Village for the last decade. After much pressure from Little Village Environmental Justice Organization they finally cleaned up some of the homes that boarder on this fenced up lot, because their yards and basements were being flooded regularly by toxic run off. They have yet to admit responsibility and take further action on the land, which local organizers and concerned citizens want to turn into a park.

Northrop Grumman 
300 S Wacker Dr 
Chicago, IL 60606
CEO Ronald Sugar 
Military contracts 2005: $13.5 billion 
Campaign contributions in 2004: $1.68 million (defense related) $1.77 
million (total) 
Federal Campaign contributions1990-2002: $8.5 million 
2007 Net Income: $1.8 billion 

- Northrop Grumman, the third largest U.S. military contractor behind 
Lockheed Martin and Boeing. Supplies the U.S. Air Force with aerial 
refueling tankers worth some $35 billion, and is best known for their 
B-2 Stealth bomber, F-14 and Tomcat fighter jets, and nuclear-powered 
submarines and aircraft carriers.
- In the early 1970s Northrop was caught in controversies over illegal 
campaign contributions to Richard Nixon’s reelection campaign by 
company chairman Thomas Jones, as well as some $30 million in bribes 
paid to foreign governments to win orders for fighter jets. The 
company regularly entertained Pentagon officials and members of 
Congress at a hunting lodge on the eastern shore of Maryland. During 
the 1980s, Northrop was investigated for mismanagement of its work on 
the MX Missile and the B-2 Stealth bomber.
- 1989: falsifying test results on cruise missiles for the Air Force 
and Harrier jets for the Marine Corps. 1990: pled guilty to 34 fraud 
charges and pay a fine of $17 million. 1992: paid $4.2 million to 
settle a whistleblower lawsuit alleging that the company padded its 
invoices on MX missile guidance system work.
- 2000: paid $1.4 million to settle a whistleblower case alleging that 
the company overcharged the Air Force for B-2 bomber instruction and 
repair manuals. 2003: paid $111 million for overcharging the Pentagon 
for work on space electronics; paid $80 million to settle two False 
Claims Act cases, one for work by Newport News Shipbuilding before 
Northrop acquired it in 2001, and the other for the delivery of 
allegedly defective aerial target drones.
- Northrop’s Vinnell Corp subsidiary was awarded a $48 million contract in 2004 “to train the nucleus of a new Iraqi army.” It botched the 
job so badly that the Jordanian Army had to be brought in to take 
over. Vinnell Corp has been controlled in the past through a web of 
interlocking ownership by a partnership that included James A. Baker 
III and Frank Carlucci, former U.S. secretaries of state and defense 
under Presidents George Bush senior and Ronald Reagan respectively. 

- 1975: Vinnell won a bid to train the Saudi Arabian National Guard. This was highlighted recently when Saudi insurgents attacked a compound housing Vinnell workers. Currently, Vinnell has a five-year 
contract with the House of Saud worth $831 million, which is 
bankrolled by the Saudis but run by the US Army Materiel Command. 

- In December 2003, Northrop Grumman and partner Raytheon won a 
contract potentially worth more than $10 billion with the Pentagon for 
a missile defense system. 

- Former Northrop Grumman Electronics Systems chief James Roche served 
as George Bush's Secretary of the Air Force for two years. Since September 11th, Roche has emphasized the need for more spending on intelligence systems, specifically mentioning Northrop Grumman 's 
Airborne Warning and Control Systems (AWACS), a control center and a 
huge radar disc mounted atop a Boeing 707, which serves "as the 
airborne nerve center for a military air campaign." At least seven 
former officials, consultants, or shareholders of Northrop Grumman now hold posts in the Bush administration, ensuring that the company’s 
interests are not overlooked for lucrative contracts in the “war on terrorism”, including Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, Vice- 
Presidential Chief of Staff I. Lewis Libby, Pentagon Comptroller Dov
Zakheim, and Sean O’Keefe, director of NASA. 

Watchdogs and related campaigns: 
Project On Government Oversight
Links to federal contract rankings in U.S.: 
2007 Washington Technology: Prime Federal Contractors (ranks #3) 
Ranks # 66 in Iraq/Afghanistan War Contracts (Center for Public 
Integrity, 2007)

100 N Riverside Plaza 
Chicago, IL 60606
CEO W. James McNerney Jr. 
Revenue $61.5 billion 
Profit $2.2 billion 
Phone 312-544-2000 
- Boeing develops and produces weapons and aircraft capabilities, 
intelligence and surveillance systems, and communication 
- Boeing is the second largest US defense contractor. Boeing also 
coordinates Future Combat Systems (FCS), an ambitious 125-billion- 
dollar project aimed at making US soldiers more effective on the 
battlefield by integrating new weapons and communications systems. 
Almost all US defense contractors are participating in the FCS 
program. At the end of June (2005), Boeing had military orders of 
$85.7 billion.
- Awarded an $80 million government contract to do surveillance on the 
Arizona border, to create a network of 1,800 high-tech towers, 
equipped with cameras and motion detectors that could feed live 
information to Border Patrol agents. Towers are equipped with retinal 
and facial biometric sensors.
- The State of Illinois and the City of Chicago gave Boeing a $56M package of tax credits, exemptions, and abatements, along with other incentives, to relocate to Chicago in 2001. As a result, Boeing is making huge profits by facilitating atrocities at the expense of the people of Chicago. Some reports suggest that the tax breaks were not a significant factor in Boeing's relocation decision and, hence, were not even necessary.
- They donate millions to Old School Folk Music School, theaters, jazz 
series in Millennium Park, thus putting a good public relations face 
on an otherwise frightening corporation to endear themselves to the vary people who might oppose them. 

- Utilizes the cheap (if not free) labor of US prisoners (Angela 
Davis, Corpwatch). Boeing has been taken to court for discrimination 
in pay against both female (28,000) and African-American (15,000) 
employees. Boeing settled a class action lawsuit in 1990 for 700 
employees who were unwittingly exposed to electromagnetic pulse 
radiation and monitored for health affects.
- Former CEO Harry Stonecipher was ousted on March 6, 2006, after it 
was revealed that he had a relationship with a female vice-president 
at Boeing . The "Palm Springs fling," as it became known at the 
company, followed a three-year stretch of widely publicized corporate 
misbehavior highlighted by the jailing of Boeing 's former CFO, for 
holding illegal job negotiations with Darlene Druyun, a senior 
Pentagon official; the indictment of a Boeing manager for allegedly 
stealing 25,000 pages of proprietary documents from his former 
employer Lockheed Martin, and a judicial finding that Boeing had 
abused attorney-client privilege to help cover up internal studies 
showing that female employees were paid less than men. Boeing paid a 
fine of $5 million in 1989 following a plea of guilty for illegally 
obtaining classified Pentagon planning documents.
- One of Boeing's subsidiaries, Jeppsen Boeing's subsidiary, Jeppesen Dataplan, since 2001 has provided flight and logistical support for at least 15 aircraft making 70 clandestine flights for the CIA. Jeppesen allows the CIA to transport prisoners such as ACLU plaintiffs Binyam Mohamed, Abou Elkassim Britel, and Ahmed Agiza to secret locations where they were tortured as part of our government's "war on terror."
Watchdogs and related campaigns: 
Project on Government Oversight (federal contracts) 
Federation of American Scientists 
Center for Defense Information 
Reaching Critical Will

Fluor International Corp.
200 W Monroe St, Chicago, IL - (312) 368-3500‎

- Founded in the 1912, Fluor is now a FORTUNE 500 company that is ranked #1 in FORTUNE magazine's “Engineering, Construction.” They’ve been in the Middle East since the 1950s when they were awarded a contract for U.S. Air Force work at Dhahran Air Base, Saudi Arabia. They currently have billion dollar contracts to rebuild New Orleans and Iraq.

- Connections have helped Fluor score a landslide of deals, including $1.6 billion in reconstructive work in Iraq, according to the Los Angeles Times. Suzanne H. Woolsey, a “trustee of a little-known arms consulting group that had access to senior Pentagon leaders directing the Iraq war,” joined the board of Fluor Corp in 2004, shortly before the corporation started cleaning up in Iraq. Woolsey’s husband, the former CIA director, R. James Woolsey, is a leading advocate for the war and also serves as a government policy adviser.

- Fluor is heading up operations for a new US Housing Area Command set up by FEMA and is working with ESS Compass Group, which specializes in housing, catering and support services, and other subcontractors to take on the rebuilding of the US Gulf Coast.

- FEMA determined the type of housing each Hurricane victim of would receive, and its contractors were to make sure they got it. (18 months after the trailers and mobile homes first reached thousands of Gulf Coast residents, FEMA reclaimed the trailers. That job, too, was carried out by Fluor.)

- Under “Operation Blue Roof" Fluor and another construction company, CH2M, got almost $2,500 for each blue tarpaulin used to cover storm-damaged roofs in the worst-hit areas from FEMA — almost enough to pay for a new roof in many cases (and the tarps were only designed to last 3 months). The workers who actually tacked the tarp onto the roof (a two-hour job) were probably making closer to minimum wage.

- One of the leading U.S. government contractors, Fluor was one of the six companies invited to bid for the overall Iraqi reconstruction contract that the U.S. Agency for International Development eventually awarded to Bechtel. Although it lost out on that contract, Fluor, through its Greenville, S.C., branch Fluor Intercontinental, is present in Iraq as a subcontractor to the Air Force Augmentation Program, which provides support for existing U.S. Air Force contracts. AFCAP, under a $4 million initial contract, provides a broad range of logistical support such as warehousing, bottled water supply, trucking and customs clearance to USAID and its contractors working on the Iraqi reconstruction effort. The award can be increased to up to $26 million over 12 months.

- Fluor Corporation is one of the largest engineering and construction companies in the world, and it is one of Bechtel competitors for reconstruction contracts in Iraq. In the 1980's Fluor was accused of helping to further apartheid in South Africa through business dealings with the white government, where the company helped build what was at the time the world's largest plant producing commercial oil from coal. The project was proposed to guarantee a domestic supply of oil as international supplies were cut off due to sanctions. Fluor also helped build oil refineries in apartheid South Africa. As The Guardian reports, Fluor is the subject of "a multibillion dollar lawsuit claiming that it exploited and brutalized black workers in apartheid-era South Africa." Part of the claim includes accusations that "Fluor hired security guards dressed in Ku Klux Klan robes to attack unarmed workers protesting against poor pay and conditions."



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