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Chicago Indymedia

Announcement :: Crime & Police

Life As an Anarchist Spy.

Seeking contributions to an article on instances when we've held our tongues for (the well-founded)fear of blowing our cover.
When he was young, Dave Onion - (of the Defenestrator, in Philly) - once called the government "a thanocratic, death machine", and never were truer words ever said. Its difficult to get one's mind around the idea of two million dead Iraqis, but just imagine all of Philadelphia (roughly two million people), its businesses, its schools, its infrastructure, its people - all wiped off the map...just gone..."thanocratic, death machine" indeed.

We sometimes act (as we often must) in situations which we did not choose, with people we did not choose. We have to bite back on our analyses of things because we'll get targeted. Deleuze called this "clandestinity", because in fact, we keep our thoughts and views underground for the purposes of being able to continue feeding them. By any other name, we can call ourselves anarchist spies.

So "Life as an Anarchist Spy" intends to give air, energy and (broadband) space (in a completely anonymous way) to those times when we've held back...(aren't we constantly holding back?), and to consider some of the more inventive literary extremisms (or extreme literary inventions) which may have been buried in the deep. As anarchist John Cage once said, "...if you dont go to extremes you won't get anywhere..."

If anyone, esp. transhumanists, knows what might be the best way to anonymize, please send a note. Anyone interested, who doesn't mind sending an email address, please contact:

fred111 (at)





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