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LOCAL News :: Gender & Sexuality

More Pics from this Year's Dyke March!

Here are more pics from this year's Dyke March – saving by far the best pic for last (for other pics besides these, see Bash Back's posting at:
This year, the Dyke March organizers took the unprecedented step of moving the march from its traditional location in pre-dominately white Andersoenville to the predominately Mexican-American Pilsen neighborhood. In doing so they wanted to reflect the fact that the majority of Chicagoans, and LGBT people, are people of color. They also wanted to send a strong message of solidarity and against gentrification.
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01. Dykes on BikesA.jpg
Leading the march are, as is traditional, Dykes on Bikes.

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02. ContingentB.jpg
Gathering in a bank parking lot prior to the march.

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03. DrummersA.jpg
Drummers up the energy level of the march, and announce its presence.

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04. Support Immigrant Righs02.jpg

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05. CrowdA.jpg

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06. CrowdC.jpg
About 1000 participated in the march, seen here from the 18th Street Pink Line (what else?) el stop.

Continued . . .



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