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LOCAL News :: Miscellaneous

I-69 Surveyor's Office Attacked in Maryville, IL

June 30, 2008
This morning, the owners of Bernardin, Lochmueller, & Associates in Maryville, Illinois were popping aspirins to deal with their headaches. Maybe the underlings enjoyed the day off. The company car had all four tires slashed, headlights, windows, and mirrors busted out, and paint job ruined. The office building had its locks glued, windows smashed, and exterior painted with "187 ON I-69" and "THE FRONTLINE IS EVERYWHERE."

Wherever capitalists maneuver to increase their wealth and power, there we find a target for our anger. I-69, the NAFTA Superhighway, is nothing more than a channel for the flow of profit from the backs of working people into the pockets of the rich.

This time around the surveyors got it. Two of the three BLA locations have been sabotaged.

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