LOCAL Announcement :: Media : Peace : Protest Activity
Veterans Helping Veterans last show of the season. Join us.
Another thirteen week run! Host Ray Parrish and co-hosts Jeremy Arcambault and Adam Navarro and phone man, Bob Gronko have held the ground. Thanks to everyone at Vietnam Veterans Against the War, Iraq Veterans Against the War and Veterans for Peace for keeping this show ongoing. Thanks to our faithful callers and the great folks at CAN-TV. We're taking the summer off, be back in the fall.

Friends and supporters

Adam and Jeremy, one minute before show time

Looking for a turn out like this on Thursday evening.
Come to the last show for the season of Veterans Helping Veterans, airs at 6:30 pm on Thursday, production meeting at 6:00 downstairs at 322 S. Green (one block west of Halsted). Ring the buzzer.
Readings from the Warrior Writers' Project, authors invited, readers welcome.
Or tune in to CAN-TV Channel 21 at 6:30 pm and call in! 312-738-1060
It's a wrap at Jak's at 7:30ish. See you there.