Implicatons of California's Suing among others whole foods for deadly carcinogens in their 365 brands of body care products and soaps; Jerry Brown could do wonders as the next USA Attorney General
Members of the United States Federal Trade Commission were asked to revisit their prior correct ruling, despite it having been overturned by a lower court, that the Merger between Whole Foods and Wild Oats is indeed an anti-trust violation as a Monopoly; California's suit against Whole Foods under Prop. 65 for known carcinogens found in Whole Foods so-called "organic" body care products. Readers could do the same directly as well as through their U.S. Congressmen and Senators.
HERE ARE 3 SHORT VIDEOS THAT EXPLAIN ALL OF THIS, FROM TWO OF TOP AMERICANS in THIS EFFORT, Ronnie Cummins of the Organic Consumers Association and Mike Adams, Health Journalist/Founder
DETAILS ARE HERE: others-with-products-containing-carcinogenic-1-4-dioxane.html
Does it matter whether Whole Foods, Avalon, etc., failed to know this poison was there in their own products, or did they conceal the truth, even when threatened with a lawsuit?
This certainly raises a series of very obvious further questions, as to whether the Federal Trade Commission should revisit and to refile its action to prohibit the merger of Whole Foods and Wild Oats, as a matter of law and as a matter of consumer protection. I have just encouraged the FTC Commissioners to do exactly that, as well as submit Amicus Curie briefs in the California Proposition 65/Whole Foods lawsuit!
To me, it is egregious and particularly galling that this company has always been trusted by millions of American enough for them to pay extra for ostensibly healthier "organic" food, and then comes along this gross breach of the public's trust, with the presence of this carcinogen at more than 10,000 the acceptable minimum levels! Most of these tests were done in 2004 and 2005, so the stores must have known for several years and yet did nothing to reformat or relabel those harmful products. Can that be possible?
We would never even know about it, were it not for this suit by California Attorney General Jerry Brown. He could do long overdue wonders as the next US Attorney General!
Stephen Fox
Managing Editor, Santa Fe Sun News
Founder, New Millennium Fine Art, Santa Fe Gallery since 1980
stephen (at)
505 983-2002
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