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Prestigious Breckenridge Film Fest Hosts World Premiere of “Washington, You’re Fired”

High drama, suspense and political intrigue drew audiences from the four corners of the nation for the World Premiere of “Washington, You’re Fired” at this year’s 28th annual Breckenridge Festival of Film.
Thomas Haden Church, Spiderman 3, and Ed Kramer, special effects creator for the latest Star Wars Trilogy, were among the top guests highlighted at this year’s 2008 Breckenridge Festival of Film. Mixed in among the Hollywood stars and the latest dynamic creations of upcoming directors and writers was a shinning star of a different kind. The world premiere of the new political investigative thriller, “Washington, You’re Fired,” was launched upon an unsuspecting audience with explosive results.

On a Friday evening, in the illustrious mountaintop community of beautiful Breckenridge, Colorado, audiences were exposed to an examination of the last seven years of terror-related spy bills that director William Lewis says have removed essential constitutional safeguards and opened up the executive branch to corruption by removing vital checks and balances that are the backbone of our representative-republic system of government. Lewis’ new feature film provoked sparks and flying embers during a heated Q&A session where viewers expressed outrage and a driving desire to correct problems in our government that many moviegoers were unaware existed in the first place. Mr. Johns, a resident of Breckenridge, Colorado commented after the screening, “I had no idea our government had strayed so far from the constitution.”

Co-writers Keith Abel and William Lewis fielded questions that included a desire by viewers to move this important and potentially history-making expose’ into the mainstream where average Americans could be exposed to an examination of legislation that filmmakers Lewis and Abel have called “impeachable offenses.” “Both the legislative and executive branches have committed crimes against our country and against the United States Constitution,” stated filmmaker Lewis in a director’s panel discussion that took place the next day. He went on to state, “this documentary is a wakeup call for all Americans. We either take charge of our government now or we surrender what few rights we still have in this country and resign ourselves to the fascist activities of a government who cares more about it’s corporate masters than the personal interests and liberties of the people of the United States.”

In a private conversation with Mr. Lewis, Hollywood special effects guru Ed Kramer who attended the festival conveyed both applause and shock after viewing the film. Mr. Kramer, who arrived after the initial premiere of “Washington, You’re Fired,” attended a private screening of the film in the festival’s green room with his wife and their close friends. His comment to Mr. Lewis afterwards was, “This is a film that every American citizen should see. Apparently, we’ve been way too complacent, because no one was willing to believe this administration would systematically disable the constitution and take away our rights as citizens the way this movie clearly shows they have already done! It’s time for us all to wake up and fix the damage done over the last eight years. This movie offers clear suggestions for action each of us can take right now. Thank you for making this important film!”

Thanks to great organizations like KPFK, KPFA, WBAI, Free Speech TV, and the Breckenridge Film Festival, mainstream Americans are finally getting their chance to see a film that some viewers are calling “a motivating and life-altering documentary.” As listener supported radio stations across the country are beginning to find out, Americans are deeply interested in pursuing the truth and increasingly motivated to personally help bring about what they perceive as a much-needed change in our political leadership. Christine Blosdale, Senior PM Producer of KPFK, Los Angeles handpicked the politically charged flick for the station’s first fundraiser of the year. How did they do with it…? Well they’re using it in their next fund drive as you read this.

Political campaigns are also leaping onto the freedom bandwagon by utilizing “Washington, You’re Fired” DVDs in a fundraising capacity and for handouts. Bridgestone Media Group, the production company responsible for creating the special effects used in the film, has already donated a thousand copies of the DVD to the Kevin Barrett for Congress campaign. Charlotte Brown and Brave New Books of Austin, Texas helped do the footwork to get copies of the film into the hands over 500 Texas delegates at the Republican state convention, and it’s not stopping there. Co-Writer Keith Abel says, “We are also reaching out to colleges and universities across the country to use the film as an educational tool in advance of the upcoming presidential election. We encourage every political group and organization out there to contact us and learn how they can help get this crucially important freedom-flick into the hands of every American.”

With the distinguished mountaintop premiere of “Washington, You’re Fired,” co-writers Lewis and Abel would like to remind every American of the now famous words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., “When we allow freedom to ring – when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God’s children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual: Free at last, free at last. Thank God almighty, we are free at last.”

To learn more about “WASHINGTON, YOU’RE FIRED,” please visit: or contact Debbie Morgan with Bridgestone Media Group at pressbox (at)



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