The Chicago Surrealists and Chicago Blues legend Frank 'Little Sonny' Scott Jr. celebrate his 81st Birthday & the 40th Anniversary of Gallery Bugs Bunny on Sunday June 22 at Hearland Cafe at 4pm
“Fortunately for those of us who missed Gallery Bugs Bunny in 1968, a 40th Anniversary is being planned by the Chicago Surrealist Group”— Renay Kerkman in Proximity.
This anniversary event will be an 81st birthday celebration for legendary Chicago Bluesman, Frank 'Little Sonny' Scott Jr., also known as the Supreme Mayor of Maxwell Street. He will be playing his Blues Percussive House Keys, showing his Maxwell Street Folk Art posters, signing autographs, and singing the Maxwell Street Shuffle. Mr. Scott Jr. requests that no fancy presents be given to him but instead would like donations of your old house keys to add to his master set. Mr. Scott is available for interviews, 773-264-4746 and has a webpage:
Accompanying Mr. Scott Jr. will be the band of another Maxwell Street legend, Dancin Perkins aka Mr. Pitiful. Dancin Perkins, who will be appearing in this years Chicago Blues Festival, playing bass guitar and singing, accompanied by his drummer son, Chistropher, along with Riley Robertson on lead guitar and E.J. on rhythm guitar. Dancing Annie Peacenik will tap dance to the music of Dancin Perkins and the key jangling rhythms of Frank Little Sonny Scott Jr.. She is a protege of vaudevillian Harold "Stumpy" Cromer.
apeacenik (at)
The surrealists who started the Bugs Bunny Gallery in 1968 have chosen to have their opening feature Maxwell Street Remembered because they loved Maxwell Street and they love the blues, Chicago style. There is nothing like it in the wide world. Among the speakers surrealist Paul Garon is an internationally renowned expert on the blues and author of What’s the Use of Walking if there is a Freight Train Going Your Way—Black Hoboes and their Songs.
Franklin Rosemont is one of the cofounders of the Surrealist Group in Chicago. His most Recent book is Jacques Vaché and the Roots of Surrealism. He is editor of a surrealist Series for the University of Texas press. He will speak on Maxwell street as a free and Surrealist place.
Arcane (at)
Steve Balkin, Roosevelt University professor, community activist, and culture worker, will talk about the remnants of Maxwell Street and read his memorial poem, the Ballad of Jimmie Lee Robinson. Jimmie Lee Robinson was Frank Scott Jr.'s best friend.
Frank 'Little Sonny' Scott Jr. 81st Birthday & 40th Anniversary of Gallery Bugs Bunny
Sunday June 22 at 4pm.
Heartland Cafe, 7000 N. Glenwood. (at Lunt) (the Morse El stop)773-465-8005
Contact Laura Valentine:
arcane (at)
You are invited to join
Frank “Little Sonny” Scott, Jr.
(Supreme Mayor of Maxwell Street)
Celebrate his 81st Birthday and remember Maxwell Street!
(Frank will bring his amazing art posters)
Dancin Perkins
and His Band
“Dancing Annie Peacenik”
also featuring
Steve Balkin, Paul Garon, and Franklin Rosemont
at the celebration of the 40th
Anniversary of the
Bugs Bunny Gallery!
Chicago's wildest gallery! —as it was known in the 1960s
This innovative Surrealist gallery and its friends
return to Heartland Café from June 15 to July 30, 2008
Opening Party
Sunday, June 22 4-6pm
This event is free
No Birthday gifts but bring a key for Frank’s collection of door keys!
7000 North Glenwood Ave 773-465-8005
(at the Morse El stop)
For more info on Frank Scott:
List of Participants in the Surrealist Show
Gale Ahrens
Jen Besemer
Dennis Cooper
Laura Corsiglia
Artur do Cruzeiro Seixas
Lester Dore*
Guy Ducornet
Rikki Ducornet
Jan Schlechter Duvall *
Torvald Faegre*
Eugenio F. Granell
Beth Garon
Paul Garon
Guy Girard
Robert Green*
Joseph Jablonski
Renay Kerkman
Ody Saban
Cheikh T. Sylla
Don LaCoss
David London
Michael Löwy
Eric Matheson *
Tristan Meinecke
Jancinto Minot
Sheila Nopper
Franklin Rosemont *
Penelope Rosemont *
Tamara Smith
Jan Svankmajer
Debra Taub
Joel Williams
*Participated in first
Bugs Bunny Show