Irish Republican political refugee Pol Brennan is once again in prison after being stopped at a Border Patrol check point over 100 miles from the Mexican border. He is currently being held at a Los Fresno's jail in Texas.
A cairde
The radio interview with Pol and Joanna can be heard on the site now it is about the latest updates on their case and an awareness campaign by Pol’s family in Belfast.
You can access the site to listen or go direct to radio show here to visit Pol’s families awareness page direct visit's_clan_page.htm here you can read statements from the family and view their efforts to raise awareness on Pol’s behalf.
There is a story about Pol’s move out of Solitary in the Irish Echo it can be viewed here This page follows Pol’s plight from his arrest in Texas and gives very comprehensive insight
We've put any media articles on Pol in the media section so if anyone sees a story on Pol and we don’t have it on site can they provide a link. Pol is actively contacting media outlets direct and has asked that if anyone has an Irish radio program or they know of Irish papers journalists etc that would be willing to hear from Pol to contact us information [at] and we will give Pol that information so he can contact them, Pol feels that direct contact from him is very important to his fight against deportation.
We are urging everyone to contact their elected representatives especially those in Barbara Lees district the point being to encourage her office to put what ever pressure they can on the Chertoff office to get them to drop their objection to bail. According to the senior case worker in Lees office they have some jurisdiction in this matter Joanna Jim Bryne and Randy met with Elaine McKellar, Senior Case Worker and went away with the opinion that that she seemed willing and able to help. Politicians are generally motivated by quantities of constituents and if letters of support for Pol arrive in numbers then it might keep Pol’s folder near the top of things to do.
While Barbara Lees constituents would take priority letters from others will definitely do no harm. The address to write to is The Honorable Barbara Lee 1301 Clay Street, Suite 1000-N Oakland, CA 94612 C/O Elaine McKellar, Senior Case Worker We wish to thank everyone for their great support of Pol and Joanna and to continue to pass the word encouraging friends and family to support Pol in whatever way they can. Send Pol a short letter or card with a 5 or 10 dollar note in it allows Pol the ability to stay in touch with family and friends and lets him contact people direct by phone, This is Pols lifeline and thanks to friends and supporters he is able to continue to do this so please continue passing the word it is of vital assistance.
You can write to Pol at; Pol Brennan #A88 785 324 Port Isabel Detention Center Delta 1 27991 Buena Vista Blvd Los Fresnos, TX 78566
Please also support the efforts of friends of Pol’s who are holding a raffle go to and see details. Please pass this e-mail on to friends Also because of the very severe weather we have had over the past few days the web site was down for a big part of yesterday we are assured this was weather related but people may have noticed the site missing, It is now back up and running if anyone sees a mistake or has any problems with the site contact webmaster [at] and it will be sorted.
Again, thank you for your support go raibh maith agaibh (Thank You) The Pol Brennan Support Group! E-mail for information on Pol's case information [at]
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