In the media I read that Berlusconi's company mediaset has taken over the dutch media concern of Endemol. Do we have to worry in Europe?
The victory of Berlusconi has nothing to do with the 'exotic' nature of Italians, or with political left or right but everything with mediaconcentrations that can fall in the wrong hands.
Who controls the European media?
In the media I read that Berlusconi's company mediaset has taken over the dutch media concern of Endemol. Do we have to worry in Europe?
The victory of Berlusconi has nothing to do with the 'exotic' nature of Italians, or with political left or right but everything with mediaconcentrations that can fall in the wrong hands.
I follow the Italian political situation since 16 years and have seen how far it can come.
This is a slow poison that penetrates...
Gradually headlines start to change, the society gets divided and polarised, critical journalists get fewer and fewer.
In Rome but also in Londen the election victory was based on irrational fear.
There is no political answer to this kind of manipulation.
This can happen in ANY European country...
If you read the following article which are all statements of Mr Berlusconi himself one week before the elections(I was in Italy), you'll get an idea of who or better WHAT won and why...
Read and shiver..
Do we want to follow in Europe the roadmap of Berlusconi and Putin?
Isn't it urgently time to act?
Maybe it's not yet too late...
More info and references:
Silvio Berlusconi: A threath for European democracy?
Help Europe: Silvio Berlusconi is taking over the European media
Italian crystal nights:first the gypsies,what's next... is this Europe 1938?
Silvio Berlusconi and the 'democratic' 2008 election campaign