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Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Urban Development

Release Party for AREA Chicago Issue #6 - Saturday in Logan Sq

Contact: areachicago (at)

Release Party for AREA Chicago Issue #6 (
Saturday June 7th, 2008
@ Paseo Prairie Garden
directly adjacent to the south exit of the Logan Square 'el' exit
at the intersection of Kedzie/Milwaukee at the West End of Logan Blvd.
(view map here

AREA Chicago #6: City As Lab
A Local Reader on Experimental Policies on the Ground in Chicago

In this issue of AREA Chicago we have attempted to look at Chicago as a policy laboratory in which experimental public policy in the areas of housing, labor and education are tested on the residents of Chicago.

The articles in this issue attempt to trace a lineage of Chicago's prominent policy experiments and its policy designers. The issue focuses on several case studies, including the complicated transformation of our local economy and public school system. These case studies focus on how Chicagoans are pushed to the limits and what kind of responses that has elicited from activists.
With contributions by/about:
Nik Theodore, Jamie Peck, Neil Brenner, Pauline Lipman, Renaissance 2010, Plan for Transformation Connections, Kenneth J. Saltman, Disaster Capitalism, Bill Wilen, Henry Horner Homes, Chicago Housing Authority, Beth Gutelius, Lisa Sousa, Commercial Club of Chicago, Micah Maidenberg, Mortage Crisis, Michael Van Zalingen, Brian Holmes, Chicago School of Sociology, Precarity Chicago, Nick Krietman, Deindustrialization, Aaron Sarver, Virginia Parks, Gentrification, Ryan Hollon, Low-Wage Labor, Nic Halverson, Yonquero workers, Vinay Ravi, UNITE HERE, Eric Triantifillou, Charter Schools, Kenzo Shibatta, Therese Quinn, Erica Meiners, Jesse Mumm, Sonjanita Moore, Euan Hague, Peter Zelchenko, Erika Mikkalo, Jim Nelson, Margo Coulter, Helena Marie Carnes-Jeffries, Diana Cruz, Marisel Melendez, Amelia Ramos, Neil brideau, Jason Reblando, and more.

This issue was co-edited by Aaron Sarver, Daniel Tucker and Micah Maidenberg
Art by Neil Brideau, Dave Pabellon, Jason Reblando, Beth Gutelius



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