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Announcement :: Peace

A Firsthand Account of Five Years of War and Occupation

Iraqi American Sami Rasouli has spent half of each year since late 2004 in Iraq opposing the US occupation, and half in the US raising awareness.
For 20 years, Iraqi American Sami Rasouli lived in Minneapolis, Minnesota, as a peace activist and restaurant owner. He visited Iraq in 2004, and decided to move home and help rebuild his country. He sold his restaurant and returned to Najaf, where he founded the Muslim Peacemakers Team. He has been back in the U.S. recently on a speaking tour.

In June he will return to Iraq for the summer, coming back to the U.S. in time to March on the Republican National Convention, September 1st, Labor Day, in St. Paul, Minnesota.

Rasouli will explain the reality of the U.S. occupation of Iraq, and why he is going to march on the RNC.



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