Reducing massive home pet breeding in the capital Sofia is not an issue for the Mayor's team. The lost and found policy also stayed out of the legal priorities of the present Mayor Boyko Borissov and the former Mayor Stefan Sofianski.
Since 1990 the massive roam of thousands of dogs of unknown origin became a routine reality arround Bulgaria. The owned dog and cat population remains unsterilized as a whole. Meanwhile, in January 2008 the new Animal Protection Act prohibited population control by euthanasia.
Increasing sterilized ratio of owned pet population in the capital Sofia is not an issue for the Mayor Borissov's team. After 2005 the main activity declared by Ecoravnovesie Sofia Municipal Animal Control was the sterilization of unowned dogs. Most of them were left to roam in the streets and only a few houndreds were adopted. In fact, the unregistered and unsupervised strays - neutered or not - disappear in very large number.
In 2007 Ecoravnovesie spent 920,000 leva budget. Almost 4,000 stray dogs were sterilized. The average expense per animal is very unrealistic.
The "2008-2011 Stray Dog Population Control Programme" adopted on April 24 2008 by the Municipal Council again does not include a relevant low-cost sterilization scheme involving owned dogs and cats, nor an educational program. Over two million leva dog registration fees are expected to be paid per year; and collected taxes would be used to fund the Programme to eliminate stray dogs in a three-year term, quoted the Ecoravnovesie Director Miroslav Naydenov.
Sofia to launch a similar feral cat sterilization activity, the necessary municipal "cat shelter" will be opened soon, quoted Naydenov on May 15 2008.
Unlclearaly why, the lost and found policy also stayed out of the legal priorities of the present Mayor Boyko Borissov and the former Mayor Stefan Sofianski. Most of the lost dog's owners cannot find their pets in the shelter. Such missing animals usually stay disappearing forever.
Generally, the trend for massive pet breeding and roaming remains resistant. And thousands of newly appeared animals are left to roam in the streets of Sofia, only to be illegally loaded and taken away in unknown direction. They remain an easy prey for the Mafia.
Emil Kuzmanov, founder
Animal Programs Foundation
18 Yanko Sofiiski Voivoda Str
1164 Sofia, Bulgaria
animalprograms (at)