Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Peace

May 26: VVAW Memorial Day in Chicago

When: Monday, May 26 - 11 AM
Where: Vietnam Veterans Memorial at Wacker and Wabash

On Memorial Day, May 26, at 11 AM at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial at Wacker and Wabash, veterans of the wars in Vietnam and Iraq will gather to honor those who have fallen and to speak out against the war in Iraq.

Speakers will also address immigrants in the military — pressures to join, broken promises, and immigrant parents who have had inadequate explanations from the military about the deaths of their children

The fallen US soldiers from Illinois will be represented by a display of boots—one pair for each Illinois soldier lost. Speakers will include Jim Redden, secretary of the Chicago Chapter of Iraq Veterans Against the War, Joe Miller, a National Coordinator of Vietnam Veterans Against the War, Juan Torres who lost a son in Afghanistan, and Gloria Barrios who lost a daughter who was serving in the military.



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