Clearing for the first 1.77 miles of I-69, the NAFTA Superhighway, in Southern Indiana began in mid-March. If completed, the highway will stretch over 1700 miles from the Canadian border crossing of Port Huron, Michigan to the Mexican border crossing of Laredo/Brownsville, Texas. In Indiana alone, 450 families stand to be dislocated and nearly 10,000 acres of forests and farms are slated for destruction. The road is widely unpopular, with 94% of public comments to the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) opposed to the new terrain route. Concerned residents have vowed to never let them build this road. The first aerial defense encampment on the route was established last night.
I-69 Media Office
323 S Walnut
Bloomington, IN
47401 Contact:
Alex Berkman
i69media (at)
Anti-I69 Tree Sit Erected in Path of the Proposed Route
On the morning of Monday, May 19th, a small group of people opposed to the construction of Interstate 69 set up an aerial tree occupation in the path of construction. The sit was erected at the north end of the first 1.77 miles of the proposed route, just south of State Road 68. This is the area proposed for construction this summer.
The road has been resisted for nearly two decades by a wide range of groups and individuals throughout the state. This action is in opposition to the start of the NAFTA Superhighway, a devastating road-building agenda that is set to destroy communities across the country:
"The governor is pushing this road down the throats of southern Indiana communities for the benefit of Big Business, not for those whose lives are going to be destroyed, whose houses, farms, woods, wetlands and wilderness are going going to be paved over. This action stands in the way of construction in order to preserve these areas, to stop the self-interested state government from exploiting the people and land of southern Indiana, and to stand in solidarity with those who are fighting similarly destructive infrastructure projects up and down the continent"
-Harriet Ray, one of the tree-borne protesters.
The protesters raised living quarters into two maple trees along the route and hung banners (facing State Road 68), informing the neighbors about the presence and displaying their support of local struggles against the road. While construction has not technically begun, it is hoped that this action will be the first of many attempts to physically halt the building of the road:
"After nearly two decades of resistance, INDOT and the governor's office are still ignoring the undisputed opposition of the vast majority of Hoosiers. I urge everyone not to let them silence you and to continue taking the actions needed to stop I-69."
-Grant Reynolds, the other tree occupier.
The action was carried out by an autonomous group of passionate individuals. The information in this press release was complied by the I-69 Media Office, and independent anti-I-69 media clearinghouse. Therefore, all questions should be directed to the media contacts given in this release.
The following is text from a flyer actively being distributed to landowners on the proposed I-69 route in southern Indiana, as well as neighbors to the route. More information and photos are forthcoming! Any Support (financial, ground, legal, equipment/resources, etc.) would be greatly appreciated. Please contact
RoadblockEF (at)
In the waning hours of Sunday May 18th, dedicated community members in resistance to I-69 set up a defensive encampment high in the trees above the farmland that INDOT and Mitch Daniels consider the future site of the NAFTA Superhighway.
Landowners, neighbors, and concerned residents are joining together in a multi-faceted struggle to end the $4 billion debacle that is this road. 450 Indiana families stand to be evicted, and a growing number are committing not to bend over easily to INDOT’s intimidation tactics. Eminent Domain suits, community solidarity networks, public meetings, nature walks and bike rides along the route, barbeques, marches, and demonstrations allow participation in this effort by folks of all commitment levels and time constraints.
Nearly 10,000 fertile acres await a fate of asphalt and concrete if we fail to act, but this road is not a done deal, and this first act of physical land defense will not be the last. As long as bulldozers continue to threaten our communities we will do everything we can to stop them.
To learn more and plug into the resistance visit:
For free legal support and assistance finding free lawyers to defend your land contact the toll free legal hotline at: 812-650-4414 (Leave a message and someone will get back to you)