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Daley opposes council resolution against Iran invasion

A resolution opposing a U.S. invasion of Iran was sandbagged at today’s City Council meeting at the behest of Mayor Daley, who called it a threat to Israel and Illinois’ favorite son Barack Obama.
In 2003, Daley reluctantly agreed to go along with a carefully worded resolution opposing a “unilateral, preemptive U.S. military attack” on Iraq.

But he put his foot down on the resolution condemning a war with Iran on grounds that it would tie the hands of Illinois’ favorite son.

“It’s not fair. Let Obama answer all of those questions. He is gonna be the nominee of the Democratic party, and he will be the president. That will be up to him to make the judgments. Passing a resolution like that puts a lot of burden upon his candidacy and injects something that should not be injected” into the presidential campaign, Daley said.

Obama isn’t the mayor's only concern. So is Israel.

“If Iran attacks Israel, we should sit back and not do anything? They haven’t attacked us, [but] they can attack everyone else? I have real problems with that,” Daley said.

“I just supported a resolution for the 60th anniversary of Israel. Harry Truman almost created Israel. Let’s be realistic. The United States did. I’m very strong for Israel’s independence and survival. The resolution says that if Iran does something, we should not do anything. I don’t get it.”

Daley’s son, Patrick, serves in the U.S. Army’s 82nd Airborne Division. He is deployed overseas at an undisclosed location.



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