Hello again fellow convention-crashers! As you may have heard, the pReNC 5.3 event happened here in the lovely Twin Cities this past weekend. With a full day of grueling strategizing amongst fellow comrades, we are ready to get back to the drawing board to continue our organizing with the hopes of successfully crashing the convention this fall. However, even with 5.3, the RNC Welcoming Committee has been very busy continuing with our tours (locally and nationally), obtaining top secret information for all of you organizing folks and further planning our logistics (food, legal, medical and media) for these epic upcoming months. Please continue to read through our newsletter to get details on all of these great events, updates and information that have and will be happening as we prepare to take to the streets. A full 5.3 report back is in the works.
Also, if you've been trying to access the nornc.org website recently, we apologize for the problems. Are we simply having trouble switching servers, or is something more sinister - say, the popularity of the "raining McCain" video on youtube - slowing the internets down? Whatever the case, the (anti)-tech crew is working on it, and the site should be up shortly if not by the time you read this.
items for your perusal:
*pReNC 5.3
*State watch
*New intel - civic fest, hotels, permits, police, convention volunteers...
*Critical mass trial update - one victory down!
*Hamline university excursion
*WC wish list and bike donation info
*Midwest event reportbacks
*Upcoming events
pReNC 5.3
After the many arduous months and days leading up to the pReNC 5.3, with many stressful and long nights for folks from the Welcoming Committee and around the country, 5.3 went off without a hitch. From all around the country nearly 100 anarchists came together again to flesh out the structure of our three-tiered strategy that we all helped to articulate many months ago at the first pReNC. Along with discussing blockading proposals that fit into this strategy and how they can effectively work for various autonomous groups, national individuals and clusters got together to work out solid logistical schemes for the months to come: basics, medics, legal, media, coms, outreach, etc. Please keep checking for a full report back on our site in the next week!
STATE watch
It's important for us to remember that anti-RNC organizing is some serious (anti-)business. With that in mind: We were recently informed of one individual in particular who was approached by the local Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) and offered the possibility of being a paid informant. The individual has rejected the offer, if filing an affidavit about the incident, and now has an NLG lawyer. His refusal to cooperate is inspiring, and reminds us that he is probably not the only person solicited by the government in such a way. Unfortunately, we have to assume that some people will cooperate. (For more info on this incident, visit:
In other news, groups organizing against the RNC in the Twin Cities, including the Welcoming Committee, have been solicited by what the St. Paul Police Department is calling their "Free Speech Liaison Team." The team consists of 19 members of the SPPD and MPD hostage negotiation teams, and according to a letter given to an activist at the Coalition to March on the RNC and Stop the War's recent rally, their assignment "has many similarities to their mission when they are called upon to negotiate a peaceful outcome to a situation that has escalated into a dangerous standoff."
Given that the RNC is essentially taking the Twin Cities hostage during the first week in September, we look forward to working with them in all their attempts to force the Republicans to surrender peacefully.
What do you do if you're approached by the police about RNC organizing, or anything else for that matter:
DON'T TALK to the cops - even if they're just asking for the nearest pastry establishment
DO TALK to everyone you know about what happened
If you're in the Twin Cities and need legal support, you can always call the Cold Snap Legal Collective hotline: 651-356-8635.
a brief intro to security culture:
INTEL update
**Is it the land of Oz or “CivicFest”?
To get your mind off of potentially impure thoughts about crashing the convention, "CivicFest" opens on Aug. 29 at the Minneapolis Convention Center. For $15, upstanding citizens will receive a “commemorative credential”, have their photos taken in a replica of the Oval Office (yee haw!), view simulcasts of the convention in St. Paul, see exhibits such as a display of gowns worn by former first ladies and a model White House! Most importantly you can: shop, shop, shop! And ya doesn't even need to be a registered Republican. Check out
The RNC Host Committee has graciously provided us with a list of the hotel assignments for each state's delegation. (Either there's a leak, or we just pay really good attention to
www.gopconvention.com.) In a burst of coincidental timing, Unconventional Midwest recently announced their "Adopt a Delegate" strategy. It's easy: Simply choose a hotel and do what you can to make the delegate experience in the Twin Cities an unforgettable one!
Peruse a google map of all the hotels at:
tinyurl.com/4ox8ee (that's a direct link to google maps, with street view! - for entertainment purposes only) or (once our website's back up...) nornc.org.
**Sept. 1 march
The Coalition to March on the RNC and Stop the War is heading to federal court this Friday, May 16 in an attempt to secure a permit for the mass march on September 1. Obtaining this permit is important because many national groups are waiting to be able to tell their members the march will be permitted, which will lead to a maximum number of convention-crashers in downtown St. Paul that day.
The Coalition is asking for pressure on Twin Cities media and decision-makers in the days leading up to the court case. For more info, visit:
**Police update
Police in both St. Paul and Minneapolis are increasing their presence at protests and testing out their new digs, including new bikes (maybe Republicans don't hate all bikes after all?) and trained horses. The police unions in particular are also stirring up the media in an attempt to condition the public to accept greater violence against protesters. Take these words from John Delmonico, head of the Minneapolis police union:
"We have been told that plans are to limit the use of Mace and to limit the number of Tasers to one or two per platoon ... thereby placing officers in the difficult situation of having to escalate to blunt instruments or deadly force if the protesters become violent ...”
Yep, Delmonico just threatened protesters who "become violent" - as defined by the state's twisted logic - with "deadly force." Remember that the officers who in the recent Critical Mass trial (see below) flatly lied about being assaulted, and were contradicted by mounds of video and photographic evidence, are still on the streets - not, of course, to single out these officers any more than the rest of our cities' finest violent lawbreakers.
**Convention volunteers needed!
It's not just the RNC Welcoming Committee that's in need (see our wishlist below) - the RNC Host Committee could use your volunteer time, too! According to Teresa McFarland, communications director for the MSP Host Committee, "It doesn't matter what your political affiliation may be. It doesn't matter what your background is, you probably have some strengths you can offer to make this event a success." Like so much from the Republicans, we couldn't have said it better ourselves.
It so happens we've got other commitments that week, but we know they'd appreciate it if you went to
www.msp2008.com to apply.
On April 14, a Hennepin County jury took about five minutes to arrive at a "NOT GUILTY" verdict for Gus Ganley, the first of potentially three Aug. 31, 2007 Critical Mass defendants. Well-represented by National Lawyers Guild attorneys, the defense had nine witnesses testify on behalf of the cycling defendant. The defense witnesses' testimony corroborated with three video tapes and several photos taken at the arrest scene just south of downtown Minneapolis, and it became obvious to jurors that Minneapolis police officer Craig Williams had lied to the jury. After the admission from the police that 8.31 was a "dry run" for the RNC, the importance of having skilled videographers and photographers on the streets this September could not be more obvious.
While the verdict is certainly something to celebrate, there are still two riders who are facing similar trumped-up charges, and the Critical Mass Support team is asking for your help. No one should have to go through what Gus did to counteract fabricated charges brought for clearly political reasons. Public pressure is needed now more than ever to get the City Attorneys office to drop the remaining charges!
With enough public pressure these cases may not ever make it to trial. Find out who to contact to most effectively get the city to drop the remaining charges online at:
More reading:
HAMLINE University Panel Excursion: Republican Go-getters and "Anarcho-Thugs" Really Can Be Friends!
On April 15 we were invited to attend a panel at St. Paul's Hamline University concerning the events centered around the Republican National Convention this September. Strangely enough, when we called to confirm our invitation, we were uninvited! Much like our motto, we decided to show up anyways and support our local RNC Host Committee. Along with our favorite Republican organizing group, there was also an ACLU representative present. Radicalization occurred even before the meeting began as it came to our attention that someone had taken it upon themselves to distribute OUR Crash the Convention pamphlets for everyone present...maybe the Host Committee really is on our side! Along with exposing the name of the liaison between the Host Committee and the Secret Service (Frank Spica), the Host Committee gave us details of the upcoming convention and the latest exciting event planned for all of our election going friends, CivicFest 2008! Even more, in regards to accomplishing a "green space" for the RNC convention (their GOParty Discount Cards for the Delegates are made of corn), the Host Committee has shown an interest in working with the Welcoming Committee in the next few months, stating that: "The Host Committee is in full support of freedom of speech and the RNC protests". They even invited us to Civic Fest!
WISHLIST and bike donation info
As always, we are constantly looking for people and items to help build our logistical capacity for the upcoming months leading up to the RNC. Below is a list of things still needed (anything is helpful).
• Groups interested in plugging into the strategy
• Food support (people willing to cook or provide us with cooking tools/non-perishable foods)
• Computers and computer related hardware
• Cheap or free St. Paul convergence space/s
• Walkie-talkies and boost phones
• A vehicle
• Medical supplies and medics
• Legal Observers and videographers
• Artwork and propaganda
• Money, money and oh, did we say money?
We are also now procuring and building bikes for people to use during the RNC. Our goal is to have 500 bikes ready to use for people coming into town in early September. If you have any bikes or bike parts that you are willing to donate, they can now be dropped off at Arise! Bookstore, 2441 Lyndale Ave. S in Minneapolis, from 11am-9pm every day.
TOUR stop reportbacks
NASHVILLE: Food Not Bombs convergence
More than 70 food not bombs participants and friends from around the country: Alabama, Florida, Memphis, Kentucky, Detroit, Long Island, Indiana, Chicago, Minnesota, a straggler from the west coast, and of course Nashville, took part in a weekend of music, no-pants dancing, workshops, presentations, dumpster-diving and food prep and sharing. the weekend culminated in a food sharing in downtown Nashville which was followed by a spontaneous taking of the streets by a makeshift food not bombs marching band... for some of the folks in Nashville, the streets of Nashville may never feel the same. it was hard not to feel the positive vibes at the national fnb conference. the RNC welcoming committee was welcomed and given the opportunity to present to a crowded room where many folks expressed interest in coming to the twin cities at the end of the summer.
CHICAGO: Only one direction: trans and queer insurrection!
The weekend of April 4th-6th, radical transfolk, queers and anarcha-feminists from all over the country converged in Chicago for the Bash Back! anti-DNC/RNC convergence. In attendance were folks from Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, Virginia, Tennessee, New York, Georgia, Missouri, Colorado, California and elsewhere. Groups including Bash Back!, Queer Action Network, the Revolting Queers, Unconventional Denver, The RNC-WC, Anarchist People of Color, Roadblock Earth First!, the Pomegranate Health Collective, and Code Pink were represented. The convergence succeeded in creating a safe space for queer, trans, gender variant and womyn anarchists to meet and articulate our plans to crash the conventions.
"Republicans, don't fuck with us!" Bash Back! Chicago proposed a reclaim the streets style dance party blockade to fit within the three-tiered strategy. More specifically, a dance party coupled with hard defenses. The declared intention is to create a situation wherein it is possible to have liberating and festive action; an empowering situation of which we can defend and maintain. An idea was also proposed that Log Cabin Republicans be targeted by actions. Also endorsed for a later action during the 4 days of the convention was an idea described as an underwear bike ride action. Finally of note was the general solidarity for trans inclusion and support.
Moving forward: see the listserv (
bashback (at) lists.riseup.net) for talk about specific medical and housing needs of queer and trans folks, etc.
MADISON: anti-RNC consulta April 11-13
The WC's presentation kicking off the consulta was well received, with great questions from an enthusiastic audience. At a feedback session on Sunday, folks from Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota and elsewhere shared their questions and concerns, hopes and dreams about such topics as the zone strategy, outreach to communities of color, and mental health resources during the convention. Many expressed a desire to come early to the Twin Cities.
Also spread throughout the weekend were direct actions trainings and games - often intense sessions which utilized the wide range of experience levels present to get people thinking about heavy on-the-street situations. Lessons were also shared from past direct action-focused mobilizations, and breakouts regarding media, legal, medical and other topics took place. Most of all, the 50+ participants had great fun with our newfound radical comrades, including taking part in a pink bloc in solidarity with UW's Take Back the Night March on Saturday night. (But please, comrades, let the organizers use the bullhorn, ok?)
IOWA CITY: The WC gave a presentation and participated in a large student anti-RNC strategizing session at the Campus Antiwar Network Midwest Regional Conference in Iowa City. CAN will likely have several busses of students attending the September 1st march, with some of those staying around to do direct action and plug into the three-tiered strategy. There was a mood of wanting to up the level of resistance, and excitement about the planned student convergence space at Macalester College in St. Paul 3 miles from downtown. Friends from the Wild Rose Rebellion, an Iowa anti-authoritarian network, showed us that anarchy is alive and well amongst our southernly neighbors!
On Tuesday, May 13, we co-sponsored "Perspectives on Protesting: Diverse Tactics at the RNC," with the Anti-War Committee. Over 70 people turned out to this panel and discussion about what a diversity of tactics will look like on the ground in September.
May 30-June 1, Minneapolis-St. Paul
Folks from all over the Midwest will be heading to the Twin Cities to flesh out solid proposals in regards to how we’ll work together against the RNC/DNC come September and August. This 3 day event will include essential party crashing workshops, networking, and intensive strategizing. Participants must be vouched for; childcare will be provided. RSVP well ahead of time and send your proposals to: midwestmaelstrom (at) riseup.net.
More info:
June 6th-8th(coinciding with MKE Pridefest), Milwaukee Wisconsin
Bash Back! Milwaukee invites folks from all over the Midwest to come crash Pridefest's party and the accompanying weekend of assimilation, trans-exclusion, consumer-frenzy and devotion to the state, and to strategize for the upcoming RNC.
The strategizing session will be a 'vouched for' event. This means that those desiring to attend should come with people or the contact information of people who will vouch for them. Anyone vouching for someone should be able to ensure that the person they are vouching for is not a law enforcement officer, will not cooperate with law enforcement, and has a working knowledge of security culture. This measure isn't meant to be exclusive, but rather to guarantee the security of the strategy session and those involved. The remainder of the weekend is not 'vouched for' and will be open to anyone.
more info:
tinyurl.com/5elnmr BashBackMKE (at) gmail.com
June 6-8th, Toledo Ohio
This is going to be an important event due to its proximity, both geographically and chronologically, to the Republican National Convention in September. With the GLAG taking place in June and the RNC in September, it will provide three month window for those in attendance to take advantage of the skills learned and share any plans made with those unable to attend.
typea (at) riseup.net
...and mark your radicalendars further out for....
Seeds of Peace Action Camp and Wilderness First Responder Training, July 6-27, Northern Wisconsin
seedsofpeace (at) riseup.net
CrimethInc. Convergence, July 16-20, Milwaukee Wisconsin
crimethinc.com crimethincbooking (at) yahoo.com
Southern Minn. Action Camp - details forthcoming
July 28-August 3
love'n an ark key,
Your friendly neighborhood anarchists at the rnc-wc | nornc.org | PO Box 4514, St. Paul MN, 55104-9998 |
rnc08 (at) riseup.net