Shomer Shalom Institute of Jewish Nonviolence
Founders Conference
Exploring and Celebrating
Jewish Nonviolence
in a time of conflict and war
Chicago, May 15-18, 2008
People of all faiths are welcome to any and all events.
If the sword, then not the book.
If the book, then not the sword.
Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb is one of the first women rabbis, co-founder of the Muslim-Jewish Peace Walk, Leader of the Fellowship of Reconciliation Delegation to Iran, performance artist, and a practitioner of Jewish nonviolence for 34 years.
Rabbi Everett Gendler is one of the contemporary grandfathers of Jewish nonviolence, who, at the invitation of the Dali Lama, has led eleven workshops on nonviolence with the Tibetan community in India.
Eprhyme is a Jewish hip hop artist who blends and juxtaposes diverse sounds and ideas into a swirling and seamless whole which is a powerful and poetic plea for justice and peace.
Thursday May 15, 2008, A Rabbi’s Journey to Islam with Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb 5:00pm-7:00pm, DePaul University Art Museum, inside the DePaul University Library, 2350 N. Kenmore Ave, Chicago, IL. Sponsored by The DePaul University Center for Interreligious Engagement.
Friday May 16, 2008 Evening Shabbat Service, 8:00pm-11:00pm with Rabbi Chava Bahle, Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb, and Rabbi Everett Gendler, at Makom Shalom, 2008 W. Bradley Place, Chicago IL, in the Fellowship Hall of Epiphany UCC.
Saturday May 17, 2008 Retreat on Jewish Nonviolence at The Jewish Reconstructionist Congregation 303 Dodge Ave., Evanston, IL with Rabbi Everett Gendler, Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb, and Eprhyme. Saturday Morning Torah study with Rabbi Brant Rosen 9:00am-10:00am. Saturday Morning Shabbat Service 10:00am-12:00pm. Lunch and conversation with Rabbi Everett Gendler, 12:30pm-1:30pm. Nonviolence Workshop 1:30pm-3:30pm Tour of JRC’s new Green Building 3:30pm-4:00pm. All Ages Evening Performance: Peace Tales with Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb7:30pm.
Sunday May 18, 2008 Shomer Shalom Ceremony 11:30pm-12:30pm, Scoville Park, Oak Park, IL. Shomer Shalom peace walkers are welcome to participate in the Walk for a Just Peace, organized by the Committee for a Just Peace in Israel and Palestine at 1:00pm. Shomer Shalom peace walkers wear white.
Sponsored by the Shomer Shalom Institute for Jewish Nonviolence with support from Makom Shalom, JRC Peace Dialog, JRC Tikkun Olam Fund, American Friends Service Committee, and the DePaul University Center for Interreligious Engagement. For more information contact
shomershalom (at)