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LOCAL News :: Civil & Human Rights

Censoring Writers and Filmakers

Chicago Activist Censored by the Court
Dear Friends,

Some of you may remember me during Chicago and New York anti war rallies and working with NGOs resisting war, racism and prejudice.
I was also Academician and freelance Journalist writing from Chicago for fifteen years.

Last year I had to return Turkey because of my wife’s parent’s terminal illnesses.

I continued to lecture and write from Turkey. Addition to these activities, with a group of progressive documentary film makers we began to produce films on social problems, including environmental decisions which can harm many ordinary people. Nuclear plant decision which is against all scientific rules and against people’s wishes. Dislocation of Roma people, who experienced holocaust (Gypsies) from their ancestral location and prejudice against them. Also human rights and Kurdish minority rights.

We made several local shows and entered some festivals. Later on we decided to share these documentaries with a larger audience and put these film on You Tube. Our address was, and,

Few days ago we found, YouTube and our web site banned by Turkish Government by the decision of Ankara Court.

The notice was this,

Ankara 5. Sulh Ceza Mahkemesi, 30/04/2008 tarih ve 2008/599 nolu kararı gereği bu siteye erişim TELEKOMÜNİKASYON İLETİŞİM BAŞKANLIĞI'nca engellenmiştir.Access to this web site is banned by "TELEKOMÜNİKASYON İLETİŞİM BAŞKANLIĞI" according to the order of: Ankara 5. Sulh Ceza Mahkemesi, 30/04/2008 of 2008/599 .

Possibly you can see this on the Internet but we can not add or change our sites.

Turkey is a NATO member to protect the freedoms of Western Alliance and signatory to many International Agreement on Human Rights and Freedom of Speech.

Please write to Turkish government and protest if Turkey wants to remain a respectful democratic country, stop censoring freedom of speech and banning freedom of assembly on public places.

Please remember the NAZI government of Germany first began burning books than end up burning human beings.

Salute to you all and wish you best.

Prof. Adam Mumcu PhD MSc.

Ps. T. Government Addresses below.

2525 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20008 Phone: (202) 612-6700 Fax: (202) 612-6744 E-mail: contact (at)

Cumhurbaskanligi: President
Basbakanlik: Prime Minester
T.B.M.M.: Turkish Assembly
Milli Egitim Bakanligi: Min. of Education
Kültür Bakanligi: Minister of Culture



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