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Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Media : Peace : Protest Activity

Veterans Helping Veterans, Thursday, 5/08, 6:30, Ch. 21

Tune in to the weekly live, call-in tv-show featuring veterans discussing issues of interest to veterans and those concerned about increased militarism throughout society.
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Bob's waiting for your call-312-738-1060
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Ray and Jeremy stand ready to answer a question from... Joe or Paula or... you!
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Many guests dropped by with stories to tell
This is the 5th show of the spring series of this country's only sponsored by, hosted by, guested by and produced by veterans. Gather your friends and family together - watch the show, call-in -better yet, stop by the studio around 6:00 (322 S. Green - downstaris) and probably drinks at Jak's after the show.



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