LOCAL Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights
Black Student Revolt at Northwestern University:
Reflections On the Student Sit-It After 40 Years.
Reflections On the Student Sit-It After 40 Years. John Bracey, jr. returns to Chicago to speak on the dramatic sit-in by 110 African-American students at NWU that ultimatly resulted in a Black History department and the hiring of black faculty. C.L.R. James was hired by NWU as a result of this sit-in and Bracey had many discussions with that formidable thinker.
The event will be onThursday, May 8th at
5:00 pm in University Hall Room 102,1897 Sheridan, Evanston, NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY
John H. Bracey, Jr., a student of St Clair Drake, was founder of Chicago’s first Negro History Club at Roosevelt University, has been a member of the W.E.B. Du Bois Department of Afro-American Studies at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst since 1972. He previously taught Afro-American history at Northern Illinois University and at the University of Rochester. He edited several books on Black Nationalism and other African-American History. While completing graduate work at Northwestern, Bracey was a student organizer of the occupation of the Bursar's Office.
Co-sponsored by African American Studies, the Department of Art Theory and Practice, and Gender Studies.
Co-endorsed by Peace Project.