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Brazil: Repressed March of Marijuana.

The Brazilian Democracy demonstrates as it is imperfection and as the federal constitution it is not respected in the country. Prohibition of if revealing public in walks are characteristic of an authoritarian country. Legalize-Já! Thus it is the false Brazilian democracy: in first of May militant anarchic (Cob/Ait), the also lesser ones of ages, they had been tortured and threatened of death in a police station of São Paulo. In Rondônia a without-land slaughter (LCP) happened to few days, to put was not divulged na media and the government ignored the occurrence. Now, the march of marijuana was forbidden in almost all country, great them 13 city where it went to occur the march, only four will be able to carry through it, Porto Alegre, Recife, Florianópolis and Vitoria.
The conservadorism of the Brazilian society reacted, speaking on behalf of the family, the moralism right reacted by means of a judiciary system dominated by members elitist conservatives and who had stepped on in the Brazilian Constitution. The fifth article of the Federal Constitution says on the organization freedom and public manifestation pacifies, to put juízes of diverse states had disrespected it and it the manifestation with vindication and incitation to the use of drugs had played in the garbage, accusing, being that the producers had taken the care not to allow to the presence of age minors and the use of the grass during the act. It would be a manifestation for the debate of the legalization, and to the consumption... however the manifestation it will not be able to occur for orders of the juízes, are forbidden the Brazilian citizens of if revealing public on the legalization of marijuana. In Brazil this repression happens because we live a defective republican system, that was not conquered by the people organized in a movement republican and democratic politician, as in France or U.S.A.. In the day of the announcement of the Brazilian Republic the people did not know what she was happening, the monarchic system was substituted by the "liberal republic" in an agreement between the elites and through Blows military of State. The population was outside of this process politician, never had true a republican movement in Brazil, with popular participation. Here the people ignores the laws and the constitution, is common the population to say that the law in Brazil alone is applied when will be pra to punish poor and excluded, the black and the aboriginal. In Brazil hardly you see corrupt rich, a well-connected one, being imprisoned, or being much time in the chain... however if a poor person will be catches stealing hens, goes direct for the penitentiary in overcrowded cells, as last week occurred in the state of São Paulo. The liberal system in Brazil is defective, because when the poor person, the left, the libertarians and the excluded ones try to charge its rights, violently is restrained. A society established in the servile colonialism, in the relations of being able, where the elite catholic conservative and with military support of the heads of the Armed Forces, dominates the country. Brazil in the biggest part of its history lived regimes of authoritarian dictatorships and military, with cruel repressions against the workers therefore we were the last country to free the slaves. The conservadorism dominates the Armed Forces and the judiciary one, all manifestation politics of the worker is seen as dangerous and necessary to be restrained. The use of marijuana, as something is of the white reality, européia and catholic, is being restrained in Brazil. First it was the repression against the exhibition of a film on the legalization inside of the Federal University of Mines You managed in April of 2008, where the policy occupied the Institute of Geociências and attacked the students, everything because of a debate on the legalization. Now the conservatives are against the march of marijuana, this action, before any thing, leave clearly that the repression this based in the moralism conservative and not in a truily democratic analysis on the use of a grass that makes less badly than the cigarette and the alcohol. The democracy in Brazil is imperfection, here we depend on the social fights to guarantee our rights that are in the constitution... the repression against manifestation on the legalization of marijuana in the sample as we are an authoritarian country and conservative and few chemical preparations for the full exercise of the democracy.



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