Review :: Children & Education
The fight of the Teachers: France, Spain and Brazil... the cause is the same one.
The fight against the policies utility in the teaching, promoted by the governments neoliberalist in all the world! In France, In Spain and in Brazil... the teachers organize themselves against these conservations reforms.
The Education of Quality is fundamental for more critical construction of people and promotes better conditions of human and social development. Without education will not have there changes, will not have Revolutions. To improve Education, it is necessary that have more investments and public policies which pay attention the needs they whose population and develop the teachers. Cannot move the schools in the same way that a company moves. Education cannot be seen like goods, cannot be sold; and the performance of the pupils cannot be seen only like something quantitative, like an end product. Thus a radical change in the structure and the school policies in the entire world are precise that we fight. The economic neoliberal imposes school policies which seem not to worry with quality about the state education, but only with the amount. In this logic, are excluded from the disciplines of humanities of the school, and reducing the time loading, increase numbers it pupils by room, who are over-populated. Little is invested in the qualification and the training of teachers, who are devaluated, and have high time loading. The State, acting like a manager, invests lees then is necessary for an education of quality. The logic of the States neoliberals is to invest little and to form more. Therefore, it is necessary to fight so that this structure changes, and in April 29, 2008 was marked by fights which require improvements in Education in France and in Spain. In France, the fight of the teachers is against the reforms of the government, which reduced the time loading in the schools, producing unemployment. The Teachers are issued war against the State, and their policies neoliberalists. In Santiago, in Spain, some of the principal claims it is by a laic education, increase in the time loading of the disciplines of Philosophy, Histoire and Physical Education, reduction of the number of pupils per room of lesson (maximum 25 pupils).
Only the Fight changes the Life!
Better education is better citizenship!
Only the Revolution puts in failure old Structures!