Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

News :: Gender & Sexuality

Calling all midwest radical transfolk, queers and allies!

This June, the forces assimilationist gay capitalism are throwing themselves a little party. Bash Back! Milwaukee has something else in mind.
This June, the forces assimilationist gay capitalism are throwing themselves a little party. Pridefest is set for the weekend of June 6th – 8th on Milwaukee's lakefront. Its bound to be a blast for log cabin republicans, corporate sponsors and all the affluent festival goers who can afford the 75$ tickets to see Wanda Sykes. The organizers and corporate sponsors have planned a weekend of assimilation, trans-exclusion, consumer-frenzy and devotion to the state.

Bash Back! Milwaukee has something else in mind. We are calling for Bash Back! folks from all over the Midwest to come to Milwaukee for the weekend of the 6th -8th to crash Pridefest's party and to strategize for the upcoming Republican National Convention.

Friday night, BB!MKE will facilitate a strategizing session to further the RNC strategy developed at the recent Bash Back! convergence in Chicago. We will advance our strategy and articulate the finer details of our plan to crash the convention. Following the serious work, there will definitely be a dance party.

Saturday will be a day of action. We're planning guerilla workshops, street theater, and actions targeted at homophobic protesters, politicians, and other grievous corporate sponsors.

On Sunday a rowdy and festive radical trans and queer contingent will join in on the Pride Parade through downtown Milwaukee.

Those who want to get in on the fun should come to the Cream City Collectives (732 e. Clarke) in the Riverwest neighborhood of Milwaukee, Friday the 6th between 3pm and 7pm. If you can't make it then and will be coming before or after, talk to us beforehand and we'll work it out. Bash Back! Milwaukee will take care of housing for everyone during the weekend. It would be really helpful if those planning on attending emailed us in advance, so we can have an estimate of how many folks to expect.

The strategizing session will be a 'vouched for' event. This means that those desiring to attend should come with people or the contact information of people who will vouch for them. Anyone vouching for someone should be able to ensure that the person they are vouching for is not a law enforcement officer, will not cooperate with law enforcement, and has a working knowledge of security culture. This measure isn't meant to be exclusive, but rather to guarantee the security of the strategy session and those involved. The remainder of the weekend is not 'vouched for' and will be open to anyone.

We can use LOTS of non-perishable foods, pink and black flags, pies, glitter filled water balloons, drums, banners, and even more non-perishable food.

Email BashBackMKE (at) for more information or to tell us you're coming.

See ya'll in June!




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